Cruises and rafting along Baikal
 Cruises and alloys on Baikal

Baikal cruises

Most of Baikal's water trips start from the village Listvyanka and are possible from May to December . Navigation of scheduled passenger ships across Lake Baikal starts from June 12-15 and ends at the beginning of September . During the summer navigation it is possible to make a water trip to Peschanaya Bay, p. . Khuzhir on the Small Sea , . Ust-Barguzin and other notable places . The route includes a visit to the more picturesque and significant geographical features of the coast and natural monuments . For water travel to Chivyrkuisky Bay and North Baikal, it takes 5-7 days, to the Lesser Sea and Olkhon Island - 3 days, to Peschanaya Bay - 1 day .

Every year at the end of May, during the transition from spring to summer, stormy weather is observed on the lake, the same severe storms often occur at the end of September and continue until December.

The most dangerous for navigation vessels are the central part of the lake between the islands of Olkhon and Bolshoy Ushkany and southern Part of the Small Sea. In these areas, often a jolt with a height of waves of 5, 5 m and sudden gusts of strong winds are noted. It is best to travel along the water in July - early August, when there is a stable sunny weather, the water surface is calm.

Rafting on the rivers

The thickest river network in the mountain systems of the Eastern Sayan, Khamar-Daban. Even in the upper reaches, the mountain rivers reach a width of 10-15 m and a depth of 0, 5-1 m, which makes them suitable for rafting and kayaking. On the rivers there are waterfalls, canyons, rock clamps, as well as shivers, rifts, typical of mountain rivers.

For the rafting, the most popular are the sports routes on the Sayan rivers: Oka, Uda, Kitoy, Gutara, Iya. Such rivers as Onot, Urik, Biy-Khem have impassable rapids or multi-kilometer low-water shiver. Therefore, they can be used for alloy only in limited intervals and with great care. On the Khamar-Daban the Zun-Murino River is picturesque.

In East Sayan there are many rivers that qualify for passage as routes of the highest complexity category. Numerous and powerful rapids, concentrated on relatively small lengths of rivers

Beginning water tourists can recommend a two-, three-day rafting along the Irkut River. Tourists, who have a great time, can make water trips on kayaks along the river Selenga or in the upper reaches of the Lena River.