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The Gorny Charysh district is located between the Charysh and Anuya, stretching almost parallel to the fan of the northern ranges, together with the Bashchelaksky ridge .Its average height is 1600-1800 m, the highest point is 2432 m .To the south, beyond the Charysh valley, lie the Korgon Range (up to 2480 m, about 200 km) and the Koksu ridge (highest point 2598 m, length about 100 km) .The latter in the northern part joins the Tigirek ridge, oriented almost in the latitudinal direction (the highest point is 2293 m, the length is about 200 km) .The district borders the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai .

The Charysh River is one of the largest rivers in the Altai Mountains. The mountain part of the Charysh basin together with the surrounding ranges is also called Mountain Charysh.

Weather forecast

The climate of the Mountain Charysh is temperate continental, with not too severe winter and moderately warm summer. The middle reaches of the Tigirek, Koksu and Korgon ranges are characterized by high avalanche danger, especially at the end of winter and early spring.

Rafting along the Charysh river

What to see

Mountain Charysh attracts tourists with excellent opportunities for hiking and ski tourism (the most popular area is the Royal Squirrel, the upper reaches of the river, with numerous snow and small mountain lakes), water and speleotourism.

There are no large lakes in the region, in the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Charysh there are small carrots, usually quite deep. In the north-west of the Bashchelak ridge at an altitude of 1750 m lies the lake Bashchelakskoe depth of 23 m, with the purest turquoise water. Nearby is the Talitskoe lake, which is even deeper. There are very small (up to 100 m in diameter), but extremely picturesque lakes - saucers. Significant groups of caring lakes are in the upper reaches of the Korgon and Inya rivers.

Charyshsky caves. The main part of the natural attractions in the Mountain Charysh are caves. In Charyshsky caves, many researchers found the remains of extinct animals: a mammoth, a woolly rhinoceros, a bison, a cave hyena, a fossil deer, and also the bones of animals that were inhabited the Gorny Altai in the century before last. According to the scientists, some caves were the dwelling of an ancient man.

Archaeological complex "Tsarskiy Kurgan" .It is located in the valley of the river Sentelek near the confluence of this river in Charysh .From the village of Charyshsky to the village of Sentelek - 25 km .The Sentelek "royal" mound with a diameter of about 46 m and a height of up to 2 m is located in the westernmost outskirts of the Pazyryk country .This is the only one in the Altai Territory, the Great Mound, about V in .up to n .e .group of Teletelek genera .Here are preserved under a thick layer of humus: a bypass ring of plates 1-1.5 m long, an inner ring and the most remarkable part of the burial-memorial complex - a row of 19 tallest steels in Altai up to 4. 5 m .

Mountain Charysh, Altai Republic Mountain Charysh
Mountain Charysh
Autumn in the Charysh taiga, Mountain Charysh, Altai Republic Mountain Charysh
Autumn in the Charysh taiga, Mountain Charysh

Reviews of Mountain Charysh (1)

Evaluation 3

Rest on the campsite "Eldorado" Krasnoshchekovsky district October 01, 2013

was here in July 2012
We visited last summer at the hostel "Eldorado", which is located near the river Charysh. Memories of rest are negative. As soon as we stopped at the complex, we saw the pool, well, we think at least we buy, because the Charysh River is cold, not everyone will venture into it. The water in the pool was terribly cold and not cleaned, leaves and various rubbish floated in it - this was the beginning of our "wonderful rest." Tuuleth - generally horror, not cleaned, everywhere lies toilet paper, and the most positive ... Read the whole review