The largest island of Russia, Sakhalin, in form resembling a fish, lies in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan north of Japanese Hokkaido and occupies the bulk of the Sakhalin Oblast, which also includes the Kuriles. This island - the richest source of natural resources, attracts travelers with a variety of landscapes and a unique mixture of Russian and Japanese cultures.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who voluntarily went to Sakhalin for a population census, described in detail the Sakhalin life of the late 19th century in the documentary story "Sakhalin Island" . Which, by the way, contains a lot of useful information about the local nature. After reading the story before the trip, you can compare the life of the island at that time with the present.
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  • 1 Main cities and resorts of Sakhalin
  • 2 How to get to Sakhalin
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (the nearest airport to Sakhalin)
  • 3 Sakhalin Climate
  • 4 Transport
  • 5 Sakhalin Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions
    • 5.1 We also recommend

Main Sakhalin Towns and Resorts

  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - administrative center of the region
  • Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky - the oldest inhabited locality of the island, the port on the shore of the Tatar Strait; here lived Chekhov during his work in Sakhalin
  • Korsakov - a port city in the southern part of the island
  • Nogliki - a city in the northern part of the island, an oil production center and the extreme point of the Sakhalin Railway
  • Okha is a city in the north of the island, oil production center
  • Kholmsk - a port city on the western coast of Sakhalin
  • Moneron Island
  • Tyuleny Island
  • Tunaicha Island
  • Vaida Mountain

You can move freely through the territory of Sakhalin to visit the islands of Tyuleny and Moneron you need a pass that can be issued free of charge in Sakhalin Island limited management of the FSB Coast Guard at the address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Pobedy Avenue, 63a; tel .: +7 (4242) 49-20-62, fax: +7 (4242) 42-32-59.

Perfect Sakhalin

How to get to Sakhalin

Sakhalin does not have land communication with the mainland.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport accepts flights from many cities of Russia, Japan, as well as China and South Korea. Local airports are also in the cities of Okha, Nogliki, Shakhtersk and Zonalnoye; they are connected by regular flights with Khabarovsk and Sovetskaya Gavan. A direct air service between Moscow and Yuzhno-Sakhalin is carried out by Aeroflot. In addition, the same company sends planes along the routes: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Khabarovsk.

However, the main way to get to the island is by water. Daily all-the-year-round ferry Vanino - Kholmsk. Vanino (on the mainland) can be reached by rail from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok

May to October 1-2 times a week there is a ferry service between Korsakov in the southern part of the island and the Japanese city of Wakkanai. Korsakov-Vladivostok is regular and year-round, but only freight.

Search for airline tickets to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (the nearest airport to Sakhalin)

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Sakhalin Climate

Due to the proximity of the cold Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the climate of Sakhalin , usually cool and moist. The average winter temperature is -6 ° C in the southern part of the island, and drops to -24 ° C in the northern part. On certain days, the temperature may drop to -40 ° C. In the summer, the average temperature does not exceed +19 ° C, the usual phenomenon is the non-settling ice floes near the coast in the height of summer. Winter in the north of the island lasts from October to May, characterized by heavy snowfalls - in the mountains the snow cover can reach 5 meters. Because of the proximity of the Pacific Ocean, typhoons are not infrequent.


The only regular domestic flight is operated by the local airline Sakhalin Airways on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okha route 3-4 times a week, flight time is two hours. There are occasional flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Nogliki, Shakhtersk.

The Sakhalin railway lines run along the eastern coast from Korsakov to Nogliki, along the western coast - from Kholmsk to Ilyinsk. Four long-distance trains run daily: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Tymovsk-Nogliki (night train, luxury car, time to Nogliki 13-15 hours), Korsakov-Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Tomari (day train with sedentary cars) , Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Tymovsk (night train), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Tymovsk (daytime postal baggage train, on the way 11-15 hours)

Sakhalinskaya Railway: +7 (4242) 71-21-34.

In addition, from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk you can go to almost any city in the southern part of the island by bus or minibus. The main routes are to Korsakov, Kholmsk, Dolinsk (departure every 30-60 minutes). In the north the bus service reaches Shakhtorsk and Poronaysk, as well as two routes arranged for trains: to Alexandrov-Sakhalinsky from Tymovsk station and once a day to Okhu from the city of Nogliki. Information on the phone: +7 (4242) 72-25-53.

Car rental on the island is not developed, there is only a representative office of Hertz in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: office at the airport (tel .: +7 (4242) 28- 76-50) and on Victory Avenue, 87; tel .: +7 (4242) 75-42-42

Beautiful places of Sakhalin

Sakhalin's entertainment, excursions and attractions

All the cities on Sakhalin are relatively young and unattractive, therefore the main attractions of the island are nature . @ For example, Mount Vaida - the highest point of the ridge in the middle part of the island (~ 900 m) . Here the most interesting are the Vaidin cave with picturesque stalactites and stalagmites, and the cave of the Bear tragedies, where the tools of the ancient man were found . At Surfaces are lovely alpine meadows and small mountain lakes . The nearest settlement is the village of Lime, connected by the road with the Smirnykh railway station . The entrance to the caves is free, however it is not recommended to inspect them without the help of a local guide or organized excursion .

Lake Tunaicha, located 45 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the largest on Sakhalin, is popular among ornithologists-lovers. You can get here on the minibuses going to Svobodniy or Okhotsk.

Moneron Island is located south-west of Kholmsk. It is interesting for a unique underwater life: because of the warm Tsushima current, even subtropical mollusks live here (visibility in the water is 30-40 meters). The island is inhabited by numerous bird colonies, seals rookeries and fur seals. You can get to the island by helicopter or a boat from Nevelsk (50 km south of Kholmsk). The territory of Moneron is a national park.

Tyuleny Island is a small rocky island in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, located 12 km southwest of Cape Terpenia - one of the largest seizures of seals and nesting seabirds. The territory of the island is reserved, so you can get here only with an excursion of the "Center for the Promotion of Tourism" (tel .: +7 (4242) 48-68-89.)

Zhdanko Range is a picturesque mountain massif of volcanic origin located north of Tomari and the village of Tikhaya. The length of the ridge is 13 km, the length is 1, 5-2 km. There are two-three-day routes that run all over the ridge. To get there is convenient on the postal baggage train Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Tymovsk, arriving at the Tikhaya station around noon Photo of Sakhalin (43)