The following question arose - I booked through booking .com apartments (country - Croatia) .After 3 days, a letter comes from the apartment owner with the news that overbooking happened, he did not inform the site administration on time and now he offers: either other dates or other apartments in the same city (worse, and cheaper, and with 20% advance payment) .Somehow it's not very clear to me and not very pleasant .Booking .com is a solid site, and hoteliers really value their work with them .In principle, I understand that you can press the owner through the site administration .On the other hand, what other risks can arise?

Responds to Information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Managers and owners of accommodation facilities do not really like it when their institutions receive complaints about booking services ( and others), as the latter, as a rule, provide them with a solid stream of customers .If the hotel is not clear with its armor, it is muffled with prices, regularly "mows" or causes justified complaints from customers - the consolidators very quickly part with such a partner without any sentiment .From this circumstance the following logical conclusion follows: those objects with which "Booking" is still working, with a high degree of probability, are very sensitive to the applications received from him .

If you accept this postulate for working theory, it turns out that an attempt to somehow "press through Booking" to the apartment will be devoid of practical meaning. In their overbooking there was no malicious intent (overlaps happen), they do not really have an equivalent option for posting on the previous dates - and will not appear even after the complaint at (If it was, it would already have been offered to you.) However, the complaint will not create any new risks either.

February 27, 2015

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