• How to get from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik by bus 28 Jan 2015
  • What are the bus tours to Karelia 6 July 2014
  • Whether there are bus tours to the water park of Gelendzhik 6 July 2014
  • Where is the best rest in Gelendzhik: in the city itself or in neighboring villages 20 Feb 2014
  • Is water ready for drinking in Gelendzhik 1 Jun 2012
  • Moscow-Gelendzhik: how to fly 16 May 2012
  • @ Is the sea clear in Gelendzhik 16 May 2012
  • Do I need permission to travel to Gelendzhik if my parents are divorced 11 Jul 2011
  • Where in the vicinity of Gelendzhik buy fresh milk and fresh wax and fruit 20 Jun 2011