The city of goats and downy shawls, paranormal activities and "ghost hunters", the center of the district and at the same time a remote provincial place - such is Novokhopersk, one of the oldest cities in the Voronezh region.

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How to get here

You can get to Novokhopersk from Voronezh by bus, which leaves from the central bus station . By car to the city, you can drive along the M4 highway to Rogachevka, then turn to A144 and follow signs for Podgornoye and Elan-Koleno

Fortress in Khopri

The fortress, which later became the city of Novokhopersky, appeared on the banks the Hopper River in 1711. According to legend, the drawing of the future fortress was made by Peter the First himself and handed it to the Azov governor Apraksin, who together with the Voronezh governor began to fulfill the imperial commission.

Even before the fortress appeared on Khopr there was a shipyard with which many ships were launched, and in the 18th century Catherine II did Novokhopers almost the main shipyard of the entire Voronezh region.

The future Admiral Fyodor Ushakov served in Novokhopersk, first as midshipman, and later as lieutenant of the Don flotilla.

In 1771 year Ushakov participated in sending to the Sea of ​​Azov built frigate "First" built at the Novohopersky shipyard.

Like other settlements and fortresses, founded in the late 17th and early 18th centuries on the Voronezh land, Novokhopers became a city during the reign of Catherine the Great in 1779 year . From that moment he lived a rather measured provincial life, the peace of which was only broken by wars . The Khoper Cossack regiment, formed in the city, distinguished itself in the Balkans during the Crimean wars: then it was the Cossacks who inflicted great damage on the Turkish troops . In Novokhopersk during the Great Patriotic War, there was a Czechoslovak brigade under the command of Ludwig Svoboda .

3 things to do in Novokhopersk
  1. Visit the market where they sell a wide variety of products from goat fuzz and sheep wool - up to underwear.
  2. Visit the only museum in Russia of the history of Soviet-Czechoslovak friendship. Neither the USSR nor Czechoslovakia exists, but friendship remains.
  3. See a UFO or ghost on the bank of the Khoper River in the Novokhopersk area. It is for this purpose that most tourists come here.
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Novokhoperskiye Souvenirs

The most important brand and souvenir that can be brought from Novokhopersk is downy shawls and other products made from sheep's wool and goat's fluff . This fishery in the east of the present Voronezh region has been practiced for more than a decade, and knitting technologies have been handed down from generation to generation . By and large, the production of new khaki scarves is the most important art craft in these parts. . Shawls and scarves, which are created by local craftswomen, have "Flowers", "chains", "snowflakes", "circles", "snakes" and others - who have anything to do with imagination and skills . There are two types of Novohoper shawls: winter ones that are knitted tightly in two threads, and summer - in one thread with openwork patterns .

Novokhoperskaya anomalous zone

For several decades in Novokhopersk as a magnet pulls everyone who is addicted to paranormal phenomena and believes in the supernatural.
Glowing balls, ghosts, fast-growing plants, clock hands, straying from the rhythm, silhouettes of soldiers - all this and much more, according to their own stories, eyewitnesses have seen in the Novokhoperskaya anomalous zone.

Such phenomena in this zone, according to explanations researchers, are due to the fact that in the earth's crust in these places a few billion years ago a tectonic fault was formed . Because of it in the anomalous zone, again, according to assertions of those interested in paranormal phenomena, one can observe ghosts - people who died hundreds of years Azad, and the events of that time . One of the researchers even managed to record one of such events with the help of the camera - the stay on the bank of the Khopra soldiers of the Czechoslovak brigade during the Great Patriotic War .

Novokhopersk 300 years

Sightseeing Novokhopersk

Despite the two wars and the revolution, there was a pre-revolutionary building in Novokhopersk. Many of the old buildings and are of interest as tourist sites. For example, the city can be proud of the surviving cult buildings of the XIX century - the Resurrection Cathedral and the Trinity Church, notable monuments of architecture of its time.

But the most unusual thing in Novokhopersk is not this - not churches and secular buildings.
Perhaps the main attraction of Novokhopersk is the unique museum of the history of Soviet-Czechoslovak friendship
It is located in the old merchant's house where there was a shovel of the first Czechoslovak brigade that was part of the Red Army and took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War on the side of the USSR.

Once in the Novokhopersky district, it would be strange not to visit the Khopersky Reserve with its old manor and ecotopes. It was created to protect the Russian desman and other valuable animals and plants and has been performing its functions for many years. In the reserve you can visit the nature museum, just stroll through the territory and enjoy the nature.