A small but old and colorful Udmurt town - Sarapul - became famous for the fact that it was here that the cavalry-born Nadezhda Durova, the personal order-bearer of Kutuzov, was born during the war of 1812.

Sarapul is located in the southeast of Udmurtia, on the right bank of the Kama. Nearby, in 62 kilometers, there is a city of gunsmiths Izhevsk. And from Moscow the town is separated by a distance of 1250 km.

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How to get here

From Izhevsk to Sarapul, you can take the P322 by car or by bus (66 km), which departs from the Central Bus Station and from the South Bus Station. From Moscow to the city, you can take the train directly or through Izhevsk, followed by a transfer to the bus. In addition, many of the ships following the Kama are moored at the berth of Sarapul.

Search for tickets to the city of Izhevsk (the nearest airport to Sarapul)

A paragraph of history

The first mention of this settlement refers to the 16th century .Then he wore the status of the village and was called Ascension, in honor of the local church of the Ascension of the Lord .The inhabitants of Voznesensky were known as fine fishermen and bread traders .In 1657, an epidemic of plague broke out here, which, according to legend, was stopped, thanks to the image of St. Nicholas .In 1780 the village of Voznesenskoye changed its name and status, becoming the city of Sarapul .There are several versions of the origin of the city name .However, the most plausible version is considered according to which the city is named so in honor of the yellow fish ("sara-pula" - sterlet), which was kept in Kama .In 1937 Sarapul became a member of the Udmurt Republic .

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Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Sarapul

Before the revolution Sarapul was a very rich merchant city. Since that time, magnificent examples of architecture have survived: merchant houses, churches and cathedrals. Alas, not all. In the past, for example, there were two monasteries and 33 churches in the city.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ

A small and cozy temple with a bell tower, located on Startseva mountain. Built in 1817 by architect Dudin for money merchants Izhboldins. Earlier here was a cemetery, but in 1930 it was destroyed.

Church of Xenia of Petersburg

The church of Xenia of St. Petersburg was built in 1911. In 1940, it was closed and again allowed to visit it Orthodox only in 1991.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Peter and Paul

The majestic temple complex, consisting of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Peter and Paul, was once one of the most beautiful architectural structures of the city. It was built in the early 18th century. During the civil war, the complex was severely damaged and subsequently abandoned. Only in 2011 began its restoration.

Bashenin's dacha

The art and exhibition complex of the museum is located in the building of the suburban dacha of the mayor - merchant-industrialist Pavel Andreevich Bashinin (1868-1910). In the exposition: paintings by Russian and European masters of the 19th and early 20th centuries, furniture, dishes and other items of the Sarapul merchant class, as well as materials about the life and work of Honorary Citizen Sarapul Bashenin.

On the territory of the manor there were preserved farm buildings, a stable-garage, a cobblestone pavement, a figured fountain, a coniferous park and relic plants.

Address: st. Dostoevsky, 60.

Other attractions

Among other architectural monuments that have survived to this day, Dacha, the mayor of Basingen, the building in the city center (the city administration and several old merchants' houses) and the fire tower are obliged to visit. The latter, by the way, is the only one in Udmurtia and one of the few preserved in the architecture of the Urals (1887).

And Sarapul is famous for the fact that during the "straight line" with Vladimir Putin the question was asked "Why is everything so bad in Sarapul? »

Photo Sarapula (10)