Serafimovich is a small oasis of the culture of the Don Cossacks, of which there are not many in Russia. Local residents consider themselves the guardians of the traditions of soldiers who for several centuries were defenders of the fatherland. In this city, little has changed since then: there are many one- and two-story brick houses, many of which are more than 100 years old, the architecture of the Cossack village has been well preserved, and the townspeople try not to forget the customs and customs of the Cossacks.

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How to get here

Serafimovich is located 260 kilometers from Volgograd. You can get here by bus, train or private car.

The nearest railway station is located in the district center of Mikhailovka, from which it is necessary to go by minibus. The road from Volgograd is in good condition. Buses from this city to Serafimovich go regularly.

You can also use the waterway - on the right bank of the Don near the city is located wharf.

Search for air tickets to the city of Velgograd (nearest Serafimovich airport)


In Serafimovich lives no more than 10 thousand people. For such a small town there is no need for a large number of transport. In general, residents use buses and minibuses. With the nearest farms and other settlements the city is connected by good roads. If you can not wait to leave or, conversely, to come to Serafimovich, then you can take a taxi. The cost of the trip between the villages will be approximately 2 thousand rubles.

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Kitchen and restaurants

In any, even the smallest city tourists without food will not remain. The only question is where to buy it. And the second question is where you can eat in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere. Serafimovich in this regard - a typical Russian town, in which you can count on the strength of 3-4 good institutions. Well, why more?

This is an ordinary cafe with a varied, but so familiar to every tourist cuisine, where you can find everything - from eggs to pasta, from roast meat to pancakes with sour cream. Separately it is necessary to note fish dishes - in Serafimovich fishing is healthy, therefore it is necessary to try local delicacies.

The cost of an average lunch will come out in rubles of 250-300. A good dinner with alcohol will cost 3 times as expensive.
Ust-Medveditsky Nature Park

The shops

Souvenirs Serafimovich - everything that is related to the Don themes. This is good in the city. You can buy ceramics, wood products, shirts, various carved articles, and everything will be connected with the Cossacks. The stores sell amazing ceramic hand bells with Don's symbols. Sometimes you can meet a gift moonshine cooked specially for the guests of the city.

Serafimovich Hotels

In Serafimovich several decent hotels, where you can spend a couple of nights. They can give a maximum of one and a half "stars", because they are still in the Soviet Union in terms of design and level of service. Accommodation costs from 1200 rubles per night. For this price you will get the opportunity to sleep and wash.

Where are more attractive recreation centers located on the banks of the Don. The cost of living here starts from 700 rubles per day. The prices depend on the arrangement of the houses and the services offered by the owners of the base.

Usually houses are designed for 2 or 4 people. Here shower cabins, TV, refrigerator, split-system. Near the houses there are summer terraces and areas where it is possible to cook shish kebabs. As an entertainment base offer paintball, tennis, horse riding and kayaking.

2 things to do in Serafimovich:
  1. Find the underground passage - the underground passageways of the Ust-Medveditsa Savior Transfiguration Monastery are legendary. Residents of the city are confident that such loopholes are dug for dozens of kilometers. It is said that when the monastery was connected by a 6-kilometer course with the village of Ust-Medveditskaya.
  2. Fishing - on the Don you can fish both in summer and in winter. For biting here are great places, so here, in the vicinity of Serafimovich, lovers of fishing are always coming. However, do not forget that this territory is environmental, so you should behave culturally and keep it clean.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Serafimovich

The main attractions of Serafimovich are natural complexes, museums and the famous monastery.

Ust-Medviditsky Nature Park

This park was created to preserve the local nature. Its main attractions are the three rivers - Don, Khoper and Medveditsa, as well as bays, slopes and floodplain forests. There are many meadows, springs, spacious steppes and lakes here.

The large territory of the park is divided into several landscape complexes, each of which has its own microclimate, flora and fauna. Today, about 300 species of rare plants grow here, most of them are found on the left bank of the Don.

With the animal world in the park, too, everything is in order - here live wolves, hares, foxes, roe deer, moose. Every year a white swan, bustard, peregrine falcon, eagle, eagle owl and other birds come here for nesting. And along some shores you can often find dams and huts beaver.


In the city there are two main museums - the house-museum of writer Alexander Serafimovich, in honor of which the settlement was named, and the museum of history of the Ust-Medveditsky Cossacks.

In the first atmosphere of the writer's housing. Serafimovich lived in an ascetic setting - mostly here bookcases and a massive table, behind which he worked.

The museum of the Cossacks presents objects of everyday life of Don Cossacks. Among them, original samples of weapons, tools, documents, pictures and photographs of the 19-20 centuries.

Ust-Medveditsky Savior-Transfiguration Monastery

This monastery is more than 450 years old. It stands at the western part of the city, not far from the Don. The monastery is one of the most popular tourist places on the right bank of the river. Here come thousands of pilgrims - who pray, and who just see the attractions of the complex.

The main shrine of the monastery is a "nun's stone". According to legend, there were impressions of two hands and mother's knees Arsenii, who often prayed here. It is believed that if you come to this stone in a heartfelt prayer, you can be healed of various ailments and diseases.