Where the Sviyaga River flows into the Volga, there is a small village on the island, Sviyazhsk. On the island, it appeared after the water was filled Kuibyshev reservoir, in 1957.

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  • 1 How to get here
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Kazan (nearest a / p to Sviyazhsk)
  • 2 A bit of history
  • 3 Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery
  • 4 St. John the Baptist Convent
  • 5 Other attractions
    • 5.1 Also recommend

How to get here

By regular river communication the village is connected with Kazan and Vasiliev, but a slow-moving boat, which is about three hours from Kazan. The railway station Sviyazhsk is located 6 km from the island in the township of Nizhniye Vyazovye and is connected to the village by an automobile road that runs along the dam. In 2012, a regular bus route Kazan-Sviyazhsk opens.

Search for air tickets to Kazan (nearest a / p to Sviyazhsk)

A bit of history

Sviyazhsk was founded in 1551, he was then the outpost of the troops of Ivan IV the Terrible at the siege of Kazan, and the tsar named him Ivangorod, but the name did not take root. In size, the Sviyazhskaya fortress surpassed the Moscow and Novgorod Kremlin.

Incredibly tragic events took place in Sviyazhsk in the 20th century, when the October Revolution triumphed in Russia and civil war began.

Incredibly tragic events took place in Sviyazhsk in the 20th century, when the October Revolution triumphed in Russia and a civil war broke out. In 1918, in fact, the "Red Terror" originated: according to the order of the military commissar Trotsky, every tenth Red Army soldier from the garrison stationed in the fortress was shot because the order was not executed and the policemen were not expelled from Kazan. @

There are untrue reports that it was in Sviyazhsk that Trotsky intended to erect a monument to Judas Iscariot. Whether the plans changed, or the sources of information lied, but there was no such monument.

In the 30 years of the last century, 6 of the city's 12 temples were destroyed, and the Uspensky Monastery was used as a prison or as a psychiatric hospital. Sviyazhsk was the seat of the political prisons of the Gulag, there existed here one time and a children's correctional labor colony.

In 1960, the chairman of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Academician Grabar, raised the question of preserving the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral, which marked the beginning of a long and difficult process for the restoration of the monastery.

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Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery

Sviyazhsky Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monastery was founded in 1555, and you can enter it through the Holy Gates. Two churches of this monastery are interesting. The highest (43 meters) and the oldest stone building here is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

From the architectural point of view, it is a rare type of church-bell tower.

It built their limestone slabs, apparently, the artel of the Pskov masters. It is said that a secret underground passage leads from the bell tower to the shore, according to which it was supposed to supply the fortress with water in case of a siege. Inside the church fragments of the painting have been preserved. Today the church is active, but only monks are admitted to it.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin began to be built simultaneously with the St. Nicholas Church, but was erected later.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin began to be built simultaneously with the St. Nicholas Church, but was erected later .It is noteworthy that the architects were invited to build the same ones that built the St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow .The Uspensky Cathedral acquired its present appearance in the 18th century, when it was rebuilt in the fashionable style of the "Ukrainian Baroque": it grew in height, acquired intricate ornaments and a jug-shaped dome .But the internal painting remained beautiful, all of its 1000-odd square meters .This is the only preserved since the time of Ivan the Terrible ensemble of frescoes .

Buyan Island

St. John the Baptist Convent

The Ioanno-Predtechensky women's monastery, founded in the late 16th century, was originally located in the northwestern part of Sviyazhsk, but after the fierce fires in the 18th century it was transferred to the premises of the previously abolished men's Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

Trinity Cathedral is a small log church, the construction of which strongly resembles a five-walled hut. This temple is famous for the fact that it was erected and consecrated in one day by the soldiers of Prince Serebryany-Obolensky. In the interior of the church is an interesting four-tiered iconostasis with amazingly beautiful Tsar's Gates, unexpectedly magnificent for such a small church.

Sergievskaya stone church is interesting with its powerful walls, because of which the inner rooms of the church are very small.

Sergievskaya stone church is interesting with its powerful walls, because of which the interior of the temple is very small. In the old days, the church served as a storehouse for the monastery, there were stored all sorts of supplies. The history of the Sergius Church is full of all kinds of wonders and mysteries, from the unexpected acquisition of rare icons to the absence of apses in the altar part of the church.

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Joy of All Who Sorrow, or the Sorrowful One (as they call it among the people) is a clear copy of the Moscow temple, and he was erected at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries on the initiative of Mother Superior Uphia, who was also the initiator of fundraising.

Other attractions

Traces of the fortress, built by Ivan the Terrible, no longer exist, but you can see quite interesting structures of later time. In the 20th century, almost nothing was built in Sviyazhsk, so the layout of its center was perfectly preserved from the times when it was a city. Residential buildings are not masterpieces of architectural art, but they give not only an idea of ​​how urban buildings looked in the Russian outback in the 19th century, but also create the complete illusion of immersion in this very century. Photo of Sviyazhsk (16)