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Tourists and connoisseurs of natural beauty pay many thousands of evergreens to look at the ancient limestone pillars in Wales, completely unaware that in Yakutia there are rocks where it's steeper, and a trip to this virgin land is much cheaper.

200 km from the city of Yakutsk on the banks of the rivers Lena and Sinyaya there are two rows of steep, vertical steep cliffs, called the Lena and Sinsky pillars. This miracle of nature stretches along the river bank for 80 km. The rocks have various bizarre shapes: pillars, spiers and towers - and in many of them archaeologists and locals have found traces of ancient rock art.

Although the Sinsky pillars are not as raspiareny as the Lenskys, they are not inferior to them in beauty, especially in the place where the raging stream of the river Sinai goes right under the rocks. Arches, stone bridges, spiers and turrets ... This place is more like a stone palace, invented by a brilliant architect than a miracle of nature - a game of wind, earth and water.

How to get here

You can get by car to the Blue River, but you still have to do some part of the trip on the all-terrain vehicle, while the river will already have to be rafted downstream.

You can order a helicopter and look at the rocks from a height, but mostly people prefer a more relaxed option - rafting and kayaking along the Lena and Sinyaya rivers .You can start at least from Baikal itself, then the journey will take at least a week, and you can reach at least to Yakutsk, even to the Laptev Sea (although, in some places, you still have to make pedestrian crossings) .Lena - the river is calm and wide, without dams, dams and power stations, so the journey will be quite comfortable and without unexpected adventures such as too steep rapids and the like .

Sinsky and Lena Pillars

Rafting and trekking

The ledges of the rocks look like a cyclopean ladder, whose gloomy and majestic mass rises above the green of the valley. The mouth of the river in this place, as a rule, is usually low in water, upstream there are rapids, so you can get to the upper reaches by helicopter or by car along the road (Vilyuisky). If the water is high, then you can reach the pillars from Lena herself. At the mouth of the river Sinai, which is one of the tributaries of the Lena, archaeologists have found ancient sites.

To Sinsky Pillars is also a tourist route 160 km long, with the complexity category No. 2.

On the way there are already prepared parking lots for tourists and hunting lodges. If you get to travel to the Sinsky Pillars, you can stay in these places. Just do not forget to collect garbage in your bag, including scraps: then wild animals will not ruin the parking lot. When leaving, do not forget to leave for the next travelers the firewood and some provisions such as condensed milk or stew (if it's a hunting lodge).

View of the Sinsky Pillars, Republic of Sakha The Sinsky Pillars
View of the Sinsky Pillars
Sinsky Pillars, Republic of Sakha The Sinsky Pillars
The Sinsky Pillars