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There is a wonderful place in the Smolensk region that will appeal not only to lovers of primordially Russian landscapes and quiet provinces, but also to fans of Griboyedov's creativity. It is a historical and cultural and natural reserve of Khmelita that was created on September 10, 1990 in Vyazemsky district on the basis of Alexander Sergeevich Museum Estate

The purpose of the reserve is "to preserve historical and cultural monuments, unique natural landscapes and memorial places, associated with the name of the great Russian writer A. S. Griboedov

The purpose of the creation of the reserve is obvious, and the official document is formulated as follows: "preservation of historical and cultural monuments, a unique natural landscape and memorials item associated with the name of the great Russian writer A . . From Griboyedov, promotion of its artistic heritage ". in the reserve include memorials: Hmelita, Nikolsky (Nikolsky Garden), Grigoriev, Bogoroditskoe, town, Kostkina; archaeological monuments: hillforts, settlements, burial mounds; Natural Monuments: Semenov and Translivskoe swamp . word, see here is what .


Reserve Center is a family nest Griboyedov manor Hmelita . It is the oldest surviving manor estates on Smolensk . incredibly beautiful stone manor house, surrounded by picturesque trees . In the late 18th - early 19th centuries, the estate belonged to the uncle of the poet, Alexey Griboyedov, Moscow rich, and therefore impressively master . rich library, a notable collection of paintings, home theater create a magical aura of hybrids rd . here to balls gathered from neighboring estates representatives of Russian aristocratic families . young poet spent in the estate with his uncle during the summer months, and had a wonderful opportunity to observe the rhythm of life of the society elected . Later, when I saw the light comedy Griboyedov's "Woe from the mind, "representatives of the best families of Russia saw in her heroes themselves .

The center of the reserve is the Griboedov family nest, the Khmelita estate.

Miraculously, the manor was not injured either in civil or in the Patriotic War . In 1954 there was a tragedy I: farmers bred right into the manor house fire, engaged in fire that mansion is almost completely lost . So, in its original appearance of the building, built in an unknown architect of the Elizabethan baroque to the present day has not survived, but a great devotee . and lover of Russian antiquity architect P . . D Baranowski and his disciple B . . e Kulakov, overcoming all obstacles, which is rich in the bureaucracy, managed to restore the estate, in the 90s of the last century, a museum opened Griboyedov .

Hmelita Manor

Museum exposition

Ex ozitsiya museum called "A . . From Griboyedov and his time" . presented for review not only the documents attesting to the success of the poet in the military, literary, diplomatic career and lifetime editions of his books, but also a lot of things that characterize the life of the Russian nobility of that era . Pictures, pieces of furniture, utensils, textiles of the end of 18 - the first third of 19 centuries give an integral picture of everyday traditions of one of the strata of the population . Presented in the museum and an exposition devoted to the restoration of the manor, ka and its expansion plans . The museum also holds exhibitions whose themes contribute to a more complete display of the era and creativity A . . Griboyedova .

Events and celebrations

Thematic holidays are constantly held in Hmelite . So, every year in July, the All-Russian Griboedov Festival is held, timed to the patronal feast of the local village church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was a tradition to celebrate the birthday of the poet in January. A lot of contemporary Russian writers, poets, journalists, illustrators are taking part in this festival.

How to get and work hours

Visit the farmstead at: Smolenskaya obl., Viazemsky region, p. Hmelita. Contacts: tel. (08131) 9-06-29, fax (08131) 5-34-21. From Moscow (only 260 km), you should go along the Minsk Highway, turn right into Khmelita (about 35 km) in the Vyazma area, Vyazma - Kholm-Zhirkovsky Highway. By the way, Vyazma herself also deserves a visit, so these places often go for 2-3 days

The museum's work schedule: from April to September - from 10.00 to 18.00, from October to March - from 11.00 to 17.00. Days off - Monday, Tuesday.

Memorial Museum of P. S. Nakhimova

Not far from the village of Khmelita is the village of Gorodets, in which the glorious Russian admiral was born. Unfortunately, the manor, which belonged to his family for many years, did not survive. The museum of PS Nakhimov was located in the building of the former oil mill. There are not many places here, the exposition of the museum is small, but it is very creatively arranged and framed. What visitors will see along with the story of the guide will help to understand the scale of the great naval officer's identity.

Near Gorelodets village is the village of Gorodets, where the glorious Russian admiral was born.

Museum address: Vyazemsky district, p. Hmelita, working hours: from November to April all days - from 9:00 to 17:00; from May to October (Saturday, Sunday) - from 10:00 to 18:00, other days from 9:00 to 17:00, except Monday.

Memorial "Bogoroditskoe Pole"

In memory of the soldiers of the Western and the Reserve fronts created this memorial. It includes a stele, alley of memory, burial and a newly built wooden church with a belfry. It is planned to open a museum of the Great Patriotic War. In October 1941, there were bloody battles, the operation was called "Vyazemsky Kettle" and was one of the most tragic in the history of the war. In his memoirs, Marshal Zhukov wrote that it was the bitter resistance of the Soviet military units that frustrated Hitler's plans for a blitzkrieg


In the village of Khmelita there is a single hotel, cozy, modern, with comfortable rooms and a good level of service. All that is needed for rest to a tired traveler is in the hotel, and the staff is hospitable and responsive.

 Hmelita Manor, Smolensk region  Khmelita
Hmelita Manor
 Khmelita, Smolensk region  Khmelita