The Khoper State Nature Reserve is one of the oldest specially protected areas in Russia, in 2010 the reserve celebrated its 75th anniversary. It was named after the left tributary of the Don, the river Hoper, which UNESCO even recognized as the cleanest in Europe more than 20 years ago

The main pride of the Khopersky Reserve is the Russian muskrug, a valuable fur animal, whose reserves are unrivaled. During the existence of the reserve, its specialists have caught and transferred 2500 animals to new places of residence.

More than 16 thousand hectares of protected land with their unique natural complex live 328 species of animals and birds, 38 species of fish, about six thousand species of insects, and many of them are listed in the Red Book. The flora on Khopr is no less rich than the fauna: 1200 species of various plants grow here


The visitors of the Khopersky Reserve can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the territory and its inhabitants in the nature museum or during a walk on one of the specially developed thematic ecological trails . You can explore the expanses on foot, by kayak or motor boat and even by bus . In general ecotropes pass along the roads, but here and there they go deeper into the forest so that tourists can approach interesting objects . For example, most popular The eco-route "Legends of Khopra" runs through lakes, meadows, pine plantations, woodlands of wild apple trees and pears and alders .

Cultural and historical monuments

Administrative buildings of the Khopersky Reserve are located in the village of Varvarino on the territory belonging to the noble family the Raevsky family. The Museum of Nature is housed in the former manager's house, which is a sample of the wooden architecture of the late 19th century. The building still has tiled stoves of Dutch type, ceiling rosettes and stucco cornices

In the legacy of the former owners the reserve also got an alley of the Crimean pine and a poplar alley with centennial trees. In addition, an old water tower, stables and a harness were preserved.

How to get here

From Voronezh to Novokhopersk on the M-4 highway, then at the junction at the village of Rogachevka, take the A-144 road, go through Arkhangelsk, Podgorony and Elan -Knee. Continue to follow Novokhopersk, 18 km along the road to the turn to the village of Varvarino, where the central manor of the Khopersky Reserve is located. Contact phone: 8 (47353) 48-134.

Khopersky Reserve
 Beaver Canyon, Khopersky Reserve, Russiahttp: // export = view & id = 17mVBRZD5TzRWSjnl3fjWixWJrPlk0yBb  Khopersky Reserve
Bobrovy Canyon, Khopersky Reserve
 Spring in Khopersky Reserve, Russiahttp: // / uc? export = view & id = 1wiWfQKSAIF6J4VP92y2Is0BPGfcv864g  Khopersky Reserve
Spring in the Khopersky Reserve
 Wolf, Khopersky Reserve, Russia  Khopersky Reserve
Volk, Khopersky Reserve
 Lisitsa, Khopersky Reserve, Russia  Khopersky Reserve
Lisitsa, Khopersky Reserve
 Tsaplya, Khopersky Reserve, Russia  Khopersky Reserve
Tsaplya, Khopersky Reserve