Perhaps you are at a loss to tell something about Sterlitamak, but a part of this Bashkir industrial city certainly is in your house. Look in the kitchen cupboard - is there a red-yellow box with the inscription "Soda"? So this is the production of one of the Sterlitamak factories, extracted from the world famous Shikhanov - fossilized reef massifs, in the depths of which deposits of rock salt and limestone are stored. Shikhany - there are only 4 of them - not only industrialists, tourists and sportsmen are fond of it - they are also frequent guests here.

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+ 7-3473 - phone number

How to get there

On the way to Sterlitamak the capital of Bashkiria will rise in front of you. In Ufa from Moscow planes fly from all the capital's airports every day, the journey by air will take almost 2 hours. Directly from the airport "Ufa" buses go to the necessary city - the schedule can be found on the site or by phone of the information terminal. You can also book a taxi in advance. Choose a minivan - go with fellow travelers, and the place will cost cheaper, and you can draw up a separate car. From Ufa to Sterlitamak 120 km, the road will take 1, 5-2 hours

For a trip to the VIP-taxi to Sterlitamak will have to pay 2,500 rubles. Standard travel costs 1500-2000 rubles.

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Entertainment, excursions and the sights Sterlitamak

Sterlitamak for its short history (in the 18th century on the map of Russia there was a post station Ashkadarsky pit, on the site of which the city later grew up) managed to visit the capital of the Bashkir ASSR. True, this status lasted only two years. Now it is a large industrial center of the republic, but at the same time it is included in the category of the cleanest and greenest cities in Russia.

Sterlitamak could also get on the list of cities with the most polite drivers. Pedestrians everywhere are expensive!

Shikhanov Museum

So called the historical and local history museum of Sterlitamak, it was founded in May 1918, and is located in the building of the former branch of the Siberian merchant bank. The halls of pre-revolutionary history of the city, natural nature, ethnographic exposition, collections of minerals and numismatics are very popular among visitors.


The stone mosque "Nur-al-Iman" is new - it was opened in 2007 (Latypova St., 17). The second largest in the republic and one of the most beautiful in Russia.

Tatianinsky Temple

The temple was laid in 1897. In the church (Khalturina st., 19) there are icons with particles of holy relics - the Monk Moses, Archimandrite of Ufa, the Reverend Theodore of Sanaxar, Saint Tatiana, the blessed Varvara, the hermit of Skvorchikhin.

Our Sterlitamak


Near the city , in the valley of the Belaya River, there are the famous single mountains, Sterlitamak shihans . The highest one is Tratau (Kon-gora), the longest - Kushtau (Bird), one smaller - Yuraktau (Heart-mountain), and the former once majestic of four - Shakhtau (Tsar-Gora) . This is a unique (in MI Geological nature monuments . Former giant coral reefs appeared almost 300 million years ago when the whole territory of the Urals was the ocean floor . Today it is one of the few places in the world where the surface of the ancient marine fauna of the Lower Permian period : fossilized coral, bryozoans, sponges, algae . For geologists Shihany is a real open-air museum where you can study the geological past of the earth's crust and the structure of deep layers on the earth's surface . For biologists - a unique reserve rare plants . And for the residents and tourists of Bashkortostan - a natural wonder!

Amazing series. Shihany

Height of Tratau is about 275 meters above the Belaya river and 402 meters above the ocean level . At the foot of the mountain there is the Tugar-Salgan lake, on whose shores pagan rituals were held in the old days . In the Stalin era the camp of the Gulag was here for female recidivist who left only the walls of the barracks . Shihan Kushtau received his name for resemblance to the silhouette of a soaring bird . The absolute height of Kushtau above sea level is 357 m, the height from the base is 251 m . At the foot is located holiday home "Shihany", and on the eastern slope there are tracks Kush Tau mountain complex . Juraktau mountain is the most remote: the shape of the shihan really reminds the heart . The length of Juraktau is 1 km, the width is 850 m, the height above the Belaya River is 220 m, the base is 200 m, the absolute altitude above the sea level is 338 m . At the foot of the shihan there is Lake Moksha, and on the slopes there are springs . The fourth shihan, Shakhtau, or Tsar-Gora, once towered 210 meters above the Belaya river level . Today instead of Tsar-Gory - a giant pit . In the 40s of the last century, limestone deposits were found here, and in 60 s their years of industrial development of the mountain there was only a stone quarry stone .


What hidden bowels destroyed Sheehan Shahtau, can be seen today in an interesting geological museum of stone, located on the mountain Shahtau career. Geologist Ivan Skuin for 23 years of work has collected a phenomenal collection, which has no analogues in Russia. Here you can see the tooth of a mammoth, the remains of a petrified tree, a block of limestone with a dental spiral of the ancient shark of the helicoid prion, stalactites and stalagmites

Isheevskie caves

At 15 km from Sterlitamak, near the Bashkir village of Isheevo, there is a whole cave system, the village was called Isheevskaya. This is the second in length - 1002 meters - the caves of Bashkiria from lying in gypsum. They consist of six horizontal corridor-type caves

Cafes and Restaurants

Best Pizza

A snack after a walk around the city is possible in this institution (7 Dneprovskaya Street). It is in the trading rows. The average check is 200 rubles

Sushi Yo Pizza

The most delicious sushi, according to the Sterlitamaks, are served in this cafe (Ibrahimov St., 58). Here, according to many townspeople, they prepare the best pizza. Prices are democratic - average bill is 300 rubles


"No meat, alcohol and tobacco! ". Under this motto, the café "Gauranga" (13, Lazurnaya Street) operates in the city. The Indian interior will also appeal to meat eaters. The average check is 300-500 rubles, there is no Wi-Fi.

Prices are indicated for April 2013. Photos of Sterlitamak (11)