Often, in search of unusual places and new impressions, we are ready to cross more than one border, and yet a lot of unusual and really unique sights are near, only we know practically nothing about them and are not very interested in them.

In particular, in the Rostov Region there is an archaeological site Reserve-museum in the open air, which without exaggeration has international significance. In the 3rd century BC Greek traders founded the city, which in the future turned into the largest center of commerce in the whole region. It was named, like the river on which it was built, by Tanais (modern Don)

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A little history

Tanais had an extremely advantageous geographical position - at the intersection of the most important trade routes, directly on the border between Europe and Asia . In addition, it was located at the very shore of the Sea of ​​Azov and was a major port city (it later became the delta of the Don more extended, and the sea retreated almost a dozen kilometers) . All this contributed to the rapid development and prosperity of Tanais for eight centuries . In the 5th century AD the city was subjugated at different times here dominated the Sarmatians and Genoese .

Tanais had an extremely favorable geographical position - at the crossroads of the most important trade routes, directly on the border between Europe and Asia.

But initially Greek merchants traded with olive oil , wines, ceramics and textiles, brought from Hellas and the Bosporus kingdom. They themselves bought up local grain, products of cattle breeding and beekeeping, especially fish, in particular sturgeon, which was exported even to the Roman Empire. Simultaneously with trade, handicrafts developed, and agriculture also flourished. This city is considered the northernmost stronghold of Antiquity, which has saved a lot of its treasures.

Today "Tanais" is really a unique historical and cultural complex, the first of its kind, because at the time of its discovery, in 1961, throughout the Soviet Union there was such a grandiose museum that occupies three thousand hectares, where more than two hundred thousand old exhibits have been collected, many of which are more than two millennia.

It was in Tanais that practice of exposure directly under the open sky was started. It was here that the bold experiment was successfully carried out - the reconstruction of one of the houses in the form in which it was built by the Greeks. And all this was done directly on the ruins of the ancient city.

1961 Tanais received the status of the first republican historical reserve, which had All-Union significance . But excavations here began more than a hundred years before this event .They were initiated in 1823 by Ivan Stempkovsky, who is considered one of the founders of archeology as a science in the expanses of the Russian Empire, he was able to find a place where under the layer of sand there were the ruins of a once prosperous city . And thirty years later the Emperor Nicholas I initiated the creation of a special commission that seriously engaged in excavations in order to find here the wealth of the Don Mounds .

Since then, and up to the 20s of the 20th century, the ruins of Tanais were carefully guarded from prying eyes, and I pack them was very limited. But in the post-revolutionary years, when this object was declared a nationwide property, it was badly damaged by the fact that local residents used the remains of ancient houses for the construction of buildings for economic purposes. And only in the middle of the last century this cultural and historical was again appreciated and protected carefully

Tanaisa Day

Architecture and finds of Tanais

Excavations and numerous studies showed that the ancient Tanais was built according to the plan peculiar to Greek cities and absolutely unlike those used for the construction of settlements in the region . The streets here were so narrow that sometimes it was difficult for them to cross to two passers-by . And along these streets there were strict straight lines ogon houses with patios, laid out of stone and covered inside with clay . As it should be to the port city, it was reliably protected by an unassailable (three meters in thickness) wall, also laid out of stone .

Today everyone has a unique opportunity to walk through these streets and for a few hours to move to a completely different era, where the atmosphere of a real Greek city was very unusual for us. . Having inspected the neighborhood, it is worth to visit the local museum where the collections of ancient ceramics amphorae and figurines, various tools and interior items . Moreover, there are whole halls where the interior of the city houses is recreated with incredible accuracy, the life of their inhabitants is reflected, and even their clothes are shown .

Especially interesting will visit this museum complex for children, not only fascinating excursions are waiting for them, but also training in mountain and weaving on ancient instruments, as well as the possibility to learn the technique of fighting with the help of ancient weapons.

The museum complex has a fairly well-developed infra there is a parking and a hotel, there are highly qualified guides.

Address: h. Nedvigovka, Myasnikovsky District, Rostov Region Photo of Tanais (8)