A well-known connoisseur of good cuisine Alexander Pushkin recommended his friend Sobolevsky to try Torzhok fried cutlets in the Pozharsky hotel. So famous Russian poet in one phrase, two local attractions immortalized: the hotel and the cutlets.

At your leisure, dine

In Pozharsky in Torzhok,
Fried cutlets (it's cutlets)

And go light.
Alexander Sergeevich

Do you know the name of the people of Torzhok? No, not Torzhane, not traders and not even torzhane - novotory. The fact is that at one time this city was called the New Torg. Residents decided to leave the legacy of time immemorial and not take a new name.

And one more important, one might say, esoteric fact from the history of Torzhok: in its history, a big part is played by the number 6. Six pigeons are depicted on the city's coat of arms, six roads were opened from different directions, six years ago, almost all Torzhok residents.

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  • 1 How to get here
    • 1.1 Search for tickets to Moscow (nearest a / p to Torzhok)
  • 2 Transport
  • 3 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 4 Hotels in Torzhok
  • 5 The shops
  • 6 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Torzhok
    • 6.1 Churches
    • 6.2 Homesteads
    • 6.3 Museums
    • 6.4 The Pushkin Museum
    • 6.5 Also recommend

How to get here

This city is on the "sovereign road", leading from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The very one on which the writer Radishchev traveled, for which all Russian schoolchildren are grateful. Torzhok is located 230 kilometers from Moscow. Nearby is laid federal highway "Russia", a little bit later, they threw a branch of the railway. So you can get to Torzhok without problems. For example, on your car you can for 3-4 hours - left in the morning, returned in the evening.

True, the residents of the region agree that in Russia there are worse roads than in Torzhok, there is no such thing. The carriageway of the city is similar to a firing range, the asphalt is torn by shreds. All this is supplemented by a unique traffic scheme, which strikes with its unpredictability.

Search for tickets to Moscow (nearest a / p to Torzhok)


In the city there are more than enough buses and minibuses. The journey costs about 10 rubles. For a small Torzhok, maybe a little too high price. For example, the same fare in a million Krasnodar.

A trip with a breeze by taxi will cost 100-150 rubles. Once a day from Torzhok to Moscow you can go on an electric train-express train. In both directions tourists go: one to look at the Belokamennaya, others to wander through the picturesque places that when A. Pushkin benefited. But more on that later.

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Kitchen and restaurants

What to consider in Torzhok as a restaurant? Guides are confused in the testimony: some rank the cafes as restaurants, others conduct their own unique selection, and in the end it turns out that there are no restaurants in Torzhok. Local residents believe that the city has two restaurants, but one of them has hot water.

Local cafes do not indulge in a variety of food - mostly fast food, pancakes, salads, pizza, etc. The same firm dish of the city - fire cutlets - you can try at the restaurant "Tvertsa."

While you wait for the dish, the helpful waiter will tell you the legend of how the fire cutlets appeared. It is said that Emperor Alexander I stopped at the Pozharsky one time because of the breakdown of the coach. He wanted veal cutlets, and in the house there was not a piece of veal. Then the daughter of Pozharsky - Daria - rolled a piece of chicken meat in breadcrumbs, gave him the shape of cutlets, added a stone and gave it in ready form to the emperor. He liked the dish so much that he rewarded the chef from the heart.
A portion of cutlets are usually brought to the end of this long history.
The Znamenskoe-Rajok Manor in Torzhok

Hotels in Torzhok

Torzhok is, of course, not a hotel paradise, but here you can find a good hotel for an acceptable amount. If you are lucky - stop in some ancient building. True, hotels do not offer an interior "in the old days", modern trends are in fashion here.

Stay for a couple of nights, you can at the hotel level 2-3 "stars." When choosing carefully, ask the administrator about the necessary conditions. For example, is the bathroom good and how many people really live in the room.

The cost of living in Torzhok - from 1500 rubles for a double room. There are hotels and cheaper, but this is for fans of extreme sports and fans of PCB.

Book popular Torzhok hotels at the best prices

Staroyamskaya from 2 600 rub. Torzhok Kalininskoe Shosse 5 Onix Hotel Torzhok from 2 600 rub. Torzhok Mednikovih Street 4

The shops

Alexander Sergeevich once noted not only fire cutlets, but also another Torzhok attraction - gold embroidery. This brand is almost 900 years old. Gold embroidery can be easily found in local stores. You will be offered various magnets, mobile covers, decorations, state emblems, bags. The average price is from 100-200 rubles. There are very expensive copies, at $ 3,000.

3 things to do in Torzhok before you leave this wonderful city:
  1. Buy Torzhok gold embroidery - let it be the most insignificant souvenir, but you and your friends will see how beautiful this is.
  2. Wander through the Pushkin sites - Pushkin in Torzhok revere for his. Whether a joke, thanks to a signboard "Eugene Onegin - bakeries and tailor's affairs of the master" Alexander Sergeevich has thought up a name to the hero of the novel. In any case, so says the legend. In the city there is even a symbolic grave of Anna Petrovna Kern, near which lie real flowers.
  3. To try the balm and liqueur of Kashinsky Liquor Factory "Veresk" is an alcoholic attraction Torzhok. Such wines and tinctures you will not find anywhere else. They say that queues are being built behind them. Deficiency!

Map of Torzhok

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Torzhok

Torzhok literally strewn with architectural monuments, many of which belong to the 17-19 centuries.


Where can I go to a tourist who first came to Torzhok. The wooden church of the Ascension, the complex of the Borisoglebsky monastery with the cathedral, the bell tower and churches, the Resurrection Monastery, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Ilyinsky Church, the Church of St. George the Victorious make a great impression on the guests.


Not far from Torzhok there are manors of people who contributed to the development of Russia. Each of them had his own vision of what the country should be like. For example, in the neighborhood with the manors of the landowners there is the Bakunin estate - there lived a well-known revolutionary and anarchist Mikhail Bakunin.

Do you know the name of the people of Torzhok? No, not Torzhane, not traders and not even torzhane - novotory.


In small towns there are few museums - some local history, art, and everything. In Torzhok with a dozen different museums - from the famous Pushkin Museum to the wooden architecture in the open. In the city you can visit the museum of helicopters, dolls, Russian way of life, go to the gold sewing factory and walk along the "Devil's" bridge.

Information for fans of the movie "Night Watch": it was on the "Devil's Bridge" that the epic scene of the battle between the forces of Good and Evil was shot.

The Pushkin Museum

More than 20 times Pushkin visited Torzhok. It is not surprising that a museum dedicated to the Russian poet was opened in this city. For a long time Alexander Sergeevich did not stay here - he waited until they changed horses, ate cutlets, wrote verses in parallel. Surely someone from the local residents defended his thesis about the influence of Torzhok on Pushkin's work.

The local museum is rather a presentation of the poet about Russia. His meetings with different people, the various things he took on the road, portraits, icons, drawings and much more.

Local curiosity: the hostel is currently housed in the former city prison.

Photos Torzhok (13)