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Once, in 1688, three people happened to stroll in search of solitude and prayers in the deaf forests in the vicinity of Tambov. The result of these walks was that the monastery soon appeared in their place, and the neighborhood itself received the saying name "Treguliai", and from it the monastery is Tregulyaevskaya. These three people were the Most Reverend Saint Tambov of Pitirim, Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh and the monk Innokenty.

So unusual was the beginning of a new page in the life of the Tambov diocese and the new monastery on the bank of the Tsna River.

The history of the monastery

and all the buildings at that time, was built of wood. At the same time it is known that the construction was allegedly conducted on the personal savings of St. Pitirim. In 20 years all the buildings were completely destroyed by fire. But thanks to the donations of philanthropists, in 3 years the monastery was completely restored.

At the end of the 18th century the first stone buildings appeared on the territory of the monastery. However, despite the strength of the stone in comparison with the tree, very few of them have escaped our time.

As it should be, in the 20th century the monastery was abolished. The Bolsheviks organized here a camp for prisoners of war of the Civil War and others who disagreed with the new ideology. According to the archives, about 30 thousand people passed through the camp. But in the meantime the destruction of the monastery continued. Even the introduction of the monastery into the list of architectural monuments did not prevent the local authorities from gradually and systematically dismantling the stone buildings.

Monastery sheltered an amazing shrine - the icon of the Virgin "Skoroposlushnitsa", brought back here in the 19th century from Athos.

Later in the remaining premises a colony for minors. And even later - the military unit, which in the preparation of the military training ground "cleared" the territory of unnecessary buildings. As a result, only a few residential buildings survived.

However, in 2002 the monastery began to revive, and today there are many buildings on the territory, a temple in honor of the founder of the monastery, a chapel, and the influx of pilgrims here again resumed.

Shrines and attractions

The main attraction of the monastery is the holy spring of St. Pitirim, which, according to legend, was dug up by the saints with his own hands. Even in Soviet times, the flow of people wishing to visit this place has not dried up. Today a chapel is built over the spring, and everyone can dip in.

Undoubted shrines of the monastery are the icon of the Mother of God "Skoroposlushnitsa", brought back here in the 19th century from Mount Athos, folded image "Burning bush", cross with relics of the patron saint John the Baptist

How to get there

The temple and the source are open for pilgrims daily from 7 am to 19 pm You can get to the monastery by car: 15 km from Tambov towards Kotovsk. And also by bus № 101 to Kotovsk from Tambov railway station or by route bus number 121. For excursion pilgrims and groups, excursions are organized, tel .: 8 (4752) 61-86-93.

Baptism of a baby in Ioanno-Predtechensky Tregulyaev Monastery