The village of Uzmorye is located in the Engels district of the Saratov region. Its name would be known only to its inhabitants and residents of the surroundings, however, one event of fifty years ago literally turned the life of this small settlement.

The fact is that on April 12, 1961 the first human space flight took place . Everyone the schoolboy knows that this feat was performed by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin . But not everyone thought where he had just returned from his famous flight . And he landed on the usual field of the collective farm "Leninsky Put" that is near the village of Uzmorie, whose furs The inventors were the first to meet Gagarin after his stay in space. . Yuri Alekseevich's memories related to this place were preserved: the people who saw him were amazed, because he was dressed in an orange suit with a helmet on his head .

Although TASS reported that , that the landing occurred in the planned area, they did not expect Gagarin in the Saratov region, but in Kazakhstan. But the orbit along which the flight occurred was higher by 40 km, and therefore the calculations were lost. So, thanks to a simple accident, the Saratov region received this gift of destiny - a place that attracts all space and cosmonauts.
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Gagarinsky field

The area where Vostok landed was called the Gagarinsky field. It was not possible to keep this place in secret to the authorities, so it was decided to turn it into a memorial complex of astronautics. Here we erected a monument to Yuri Gagarin and a monument in honor of this great event, which is a small copy of the stela at the Cosmonautics Museum in Moscow. In 2011, there were installed stelae with images of all Russian cosmonauts and stelae in honor of Koroleva and Tsiolkovsky

Photo from the branch of the state archive of the Saratov region in the city of Engels

Even in Soviet times there was a project to turn the "Gagarin field" into a tourist complex with hotels and a museum. But even today these plans have not found their embodiment. However, the urge of the Saratov authorities to "untwist" this place has been preserved, perhaps one day the Gagarin Field will really turn into a modern exhibition complex with a developed infrastructure.

Collective memory of residents of the village of Uzmorje has forever preserved the events of the distant 1961 . Remember here and about the second arrival of Yuri Alekseevich in 1965 . Many people are ready to tell tourists today about who and how he met Gagarin on April 12, where he was treated and how he was treated as an honorary worker in his collective farm . Therefore if you want ete visit "Gagarin Field", you should definitely call in this village, where pleasure will restore to you the events April 12, 1961 Mr. .In addition, there is another sight in Uzmorie - the surviving county hospital of the XIX century .

How to get there

From Engels you can take a bus (30 km, departure from the Market Square at 6-30, 11-00 and 15-30). Another option - on a minibus from the same Piazary Square to neighboring Berezovka.