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Russia Airlines is one of the largest in the country, it is the leader in the air transportation market of the Northwest of Russia. Suffice it to say that 40% of all departures from Pulkovo airport are carried out by the Rossiya airline.

Quite often this airline has flights on flights to St. Petersburg, so it's worth keeping a close eye on announcements.

Aviation hub and headquarters "Russia" is located in the airport of the northern capital of Pulkovo. Despite the home port, Russia has a lot of flights from Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. In total, a day or two from Moscow, almost two dozen flights of "Russia". And in the morning and in the evening the planes of "Russia" scatter on the runway every half hour. Quite often this airline has flights on flights to St. Petersburg, so it's worth to follow the announcements carefully.

Russia Airlines now flies on airplanes like Airbus A319 and Airbus 320, in the further plans of the carrier to purchase these models. The aviation fleet also includes An-148 and Boeing 767-300.

Presentation video of Rossiya airline

The geography of flights in Russia includes almost all the cities with a million population: Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Perm, Novosibirsk . You can see Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Syktyvkar, Tyumen, Mineralnye Vody, Omsk, Krasnodar, Sochi, Surgut . Fly to almost all the capitals of CIS countries and former Soviet republics . So, planes of "Russia" are an excellent choice for those who want to go to Kiev, Odessa, Almaty or Tashkent, to see friends and relatives who by fate found themselves in another country .

The planes of "Russia" saw the sky over Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Rome and many other cities.

For frequent flyers in "Russia" came up with the "Subscription" campaign for 2-4-8 traffic (4-8-16 flights). Only the first flight is purchased on a specific date, and the rest remain with an "open" date, which allows you to book and register for the flight as soon as there is a need. "Subscription" is valid for flights from the Northern capital to Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and in the opposite direction. The term of the "Subscription" is up to 6 months

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Evaluation 8

Available and modest July 28, 2014

We used the services of the Rossiya airline when flying from St. Petersburg to Stockholm. Attracted affordable ticket price, which is not typical for the summer season. Departure was carried out on time. Arrival is also on schedule. On the route there is a small airplane Airbus 319-100, and it was almost completely filled with passengers. In the flight we were just over an hour. In the path of information about the route in progress and the altitude of the flight, the pilot did not give. For a short flight time ... Read full review
 Airline Russia  Airline Russia
Evaluation 10

In Sochi with the airline "Russia" July 25, 2014

This summer they flew with his wife in Sochi. We decided to use the airline "Russia", tk. was able to take tickets in advance, and they were cheaper than other airlines. Tickets were taken immediately there and back. In general, the flight, and the service on board we liked. Twice fed, first time just tea with a sandwich, the second time a full dinner. The menu provided a choice of passengers. Flew quickly, even faster than the stated time in the schedule. The plane both there and back went on ... Read the whole review
Evaluation 8

Budget variant - modestly, but with dignity. June 24, 2014

With the airline, Russia collided for the first time last summer, when they decided to travel to Bulgaria via Istanbul. This option for our family of three people was the most budgetary. I can immediately note the first and very significant plus of the airline - the price of tickets, Moscow-Istanbul, back and forth for one person cost us 8 rubles a small thousand rubles, it was the cheapest offer. Flight Moscow - Istanbul with a transfer in St. Petersburg included a night flight to St. Petersburg, a day ... Read full review