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Mamayev Kurgan is a hill in the very center of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), where the Monument-Ensemble "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" is located. The composition of the ensemble includes an introductory composition-the high relief "Memory of Generations", the Square of the Dead, the Alley of Pyramidal Poplars, the Ruiny Walls, the Monumental Relief, Heroes Square, the Square of Sorrow, the Hall of Military Glory, the Military Memorial Cemetery, the Memorial Dendropark at the foot of Mamayev Kurgan and the famous the monument "Motherland".

The location of the memorial is not accidental - for the height of 102, 0 fierce battles were fought, since the whole city was shot through from the top. The very ascent of the mountain along the alleys is like a ritual and leaves an indelible impression on everyone.

Mamayev Kurgan is one of the most memorable sights of our country.

Almost at the foot of the plant there are factories, for which particularly fierce battles were fought: Krasny Oktyabr, a tractor plant, the Barrikady plant and the Lazur Chemical Combine, which they never restored. And behind the sculpture "Motherland" there is a small but cozy and quiet park, where after the ascent it is worth to rest and comprehend what you saw.

There is an opinion that the sculpture "Stand To Death", depicting a soldier with a submachine gun and a grenade, the face of Marshal VI Chuikov. His grave is in the ensemble's territory.
Mamaev kurgan

Where is

In the very center of Volgograd, but in the street named after Marshal VI Chuikov.

How to get here

Mamaev Kurgan can be reached by public transport: trolleybus number 8, high-speed tram to the stop "Mamaev Kurgan."

Cost of visiting

Visit to the memorial complex Mamaev Kurgan is free.

Mamayev Kurgan, panorama, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Mamayev Kurgan, panorama
Beautiful view of the sculpture and the temple, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Beautiful view of the sculpture and the temple
Entrance to the hall of military glory, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Entrance to the hall of military glory
Motherland is calling, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Motherland calls
Eternal Fire, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Eternal flame
Fragment of the wall-ruins, Volgograd Mamaev kurgan
Fragment of the wall-ruins

Reviews about Mamayev Kurgan (2)

Mamayev Kurgan, what is he like? August 19, 2013

was here in July 2013
In Volgograd was not long ago .the whole 5 years, but this year fate made me a gift and I again came to Volgograd .after the road first thing I went to the most important landmark of Volgograd-Mamaev Kurgan .What is special about this attraction? After all, these are just monuments .In fact, these are not just monuments, this is Russia's asset .If you value your ancestors and respect the history of Russia, then it will be interesting for you to visit this place .very nice, I want to tell you .This place creates its own atmosphere .it seems that time stops .
if you want to leave impressions about this place for many years, you can buy a couple of souvenirs at a normal price, you do not have to go far, on Mamaev Kurgan there are many shops with souvenirs. In general Mamaev Kurgan is worth it .. do not mind spending a few hours on it, and maybe even a few days
Mamaev kurgan
Evaluation 10

In memory of the war ... August 02, 2013

Olenka k
was here in June 2012
In Volgograd, we went from Moscow purposefully, to look at Motherland. We generally decided to visit all the Hero Cities.
So, having entered Volgograd, they began to look for the Mamayev Kurgan. We knew that this is a huge composition on a hill, so it should be visible from virtually anywhere in the city. So, without maps and navigator, we found what they wanted.
Mamayev Kurgan impressed us. Probably this is one of the largest complexes in Russia. The sculpture of Motherland honestly made me think not ... Read the whole review
Mamaev kurganMamaev kurganMamaev kurgan