Add a review about Djerdap National Park

This national park is located in the east of the country, near the Romanian border. The area of ​​the national park exceeds 60 thousand hectares, it stretches along the right bank of the Danube for about 100 km. The landscape of the national park is predominantly mountainous, the maximum height above sea level reaches 800 m. Thanks to this, more than 1 thousand different plant species, including relics, have been preserved in the park's territory.

The vegetation world of the national park is very diverse: here you can see walnut, yew, different kinds of lindens, and lilac .In the national park there are sub-Mediterranean, Pontic, Balkan and other elements of the flora, and therefore the park is still interested in botanists .More than 50 shrub communities are formed here .Thanks to the abundance of greenery in the park, many representatives and fauna of the region could be saved .In particular, here you can see more than 150 species of birds, including the white-tailed eagle, the black stork, the snake-eagle, the golden eagle and .P.Among the mammals that inhabit the park, bears, otters, deer, lynx, chamois and t .e .

Approximately 100 km of the Eurovolo-6 cycle route connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea pass through the park. The Danube route is one of the most popular bike routes in Europe.

Visiting this national park will be interesting not only to nature lovers. There are also a few unique objects from the point of view of archeology and anthropology.

Special attention should be paid to the parking of Mesolithic hunters Lepenski-Vir, discovered in 1965 .This site dates back to the 6th century BC .e ., and is an ancient city, surrounded by villages totaling about 10 .Presumably, the heyday of the settlement occurred at the turn of the 5th and 6th centuries before n .e ., although this place was inhabited as early as 8000 g .up to n .e .Similar settlements near the Danube there are only 10 .Numerous unique finds were found on the territory of the settlement, including figurines, ceramics, architectural fragments from the Cro-Magnon period to the later Neolithic .

Another curious sight of Djerdap National Park is the ancient Trayanov Bridge .This is the longest bridge of this historical period, which was built over Istra (Danube) in 105 g .It became the first ever bridge across the Danube .The initial length of the bridge was more than 1130 m .Its construction was necessary, since Emperor Trajan intended to start a war with Dacia .The bridge was fortified on both sides, but, alas, stood only a few decades, and then was destroyed by order of Emperor Hadrian for defensive purposes, to complicate the crossing over the Danube from the other side .Today, from the bridge there were several supports, which are located not far from Kladova .There are only 12 .Also there was an inscription on the rock, made at the completion of construction .

One of the main attractions of the park is the majestic Djerdap gorge or otherwise the Iron Gate.

Tourists who visit the national park can always find activities to their liking. In its course, the Danube, passing through the park, forms three gorges, each of which - excellent fishing: here you can catch catfish or pike perch, while in the valleys you catch large carp and various types of bream. Soma-record holders, mined in Djerdap, weighed over 50 kg. Also in the national park hunting is allowed; there are stands for shooting, feeders for deer and hogs, etc.

Djerdap National Park from a bird's-eye view

About 10 tourist routes are laid along the territory of the national park, the length of which varies from 2 to 20 km. For their passage, no climbing equipment is required, the incline along the way does not exceed 20%. Another common way to move around the national park is by bicycle. Approximately 100 km of the Eurovolo-6 cycle route connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea pass through the park. The Danube route is one of the most popular bike routes in Europe.

Practical information

The National Park is open all year round. The visitor center is located in Donji Milanovac.

Address of the tourist center: 19220, city of Donji-Milanovac, ul. Kralya Petra, d. I 14a.

Djerdap National Park, panorama, Serbia Djerdap National Park
Djerdap National Park, panorama
Djerdap National Park, Serbia Djerdap National Park
Djerdap National Park
Sculpture in the rock, Djerdap National Park, Serbia Djerdap National Park
Sculpture in the rock, Djerdap National Park