Under the romantic name "House of Flowers" lies, as one might suppose, not a botanical park and not a masterpiece of landscape design. Raison d'etre buildings - the mausoleum of the former ruler of Yugoslavia, the odious Josip Broz Tito, whose name is broken many copies. In contrast to the national leader of the revolution, Broz Tito is resting in a closed sarcophagus - but there is really a lot of flowers around, as the father of the people was an ardent gardener during his lifetime.
The largest gathering of people in the mausoleum is observed on May 25, the birthday of the country's leader, and on May 4, respectively, on the day of his death in 1980. In other halls of the mausoleum there is the museum of Josip Broz Tito, where presents are presented to him from the heads of states and combat comrades - garments, hookahs, saddles and weapons.
Address: Zhupan Vlastimira, Belgrade
House of Flowers in Belgrade |