Brutal battle

Bullfighting in Spain is not just a celebration, it's real art that has become a cultural symbol of the country.

In Spain, bullfights are no longer held in the Canary Islands (although cockfights , which are part of the local traditions, continue there) and in Barcelona (info at the beginning of 2013.)

Rules for fighting bulls

Bullfighting is not just a fight, as it might seem at first glance, it's a whole spectacle, which has its own rules and rituals. The President or the President, in whose role the Mayor of the city usually acts, guides the action by the beginning of every action, decides when the bull, picador and rewarding the matadors are taking the lead.

Bullfight begins at five in the evening, but before that the representatives of the matadors dressed in black suits of the 18th century and hats with colored brushes inspect the bulls and here with the help of a toss decide which animal will be played by their player . Bullfight begins with the march of the participants in a certain sequence: matadors, adherents, subordinates and picadors, also performing on horses . After the most interesting begins: at this time a bull is released from the paddock, first met by assistants with cloaks, and then by the matador himself with a large cloak of bright pink on one side of color and yellow with another . He makes several approaches, confusing the bull, and leaves the arena . Torreador and picador on horseback .

In Spain there are thousands of farms where special bulls for bullfights are grown. All of them are special aggressive rocks, easily annoyed and ready to attack.

The battle called "slavery" does not last long, but during this time several copies are stabbed in the back of the animal, not to kill the animal, but only to irritate it, keeping the bull within the inner circle . And, finally, the culmination of the game when only the ox and matador remain in the arena . At the moment when the bull closest approaching the matador and looks into his eyes, he kills the animal with his sword . This is the most solemn moment of bullfight, to which are ready and spectators and orchestra . The death of the bull of the matador is dedicated to the chairman of the bullfight, after approaching which he reads the dedicatory speech and throws his hat over his shoulder . A good sign is considered if the hat fell downwards .

In Spain there are thousands of farms, where special bulls for bullfights are grown. They are all special aggressive rocks, easily annoyed and ready to attack. Especially appreciated are bulls with quick reactions, dexterous and strong. Not infrequently a beautiful, powerful bull was left alive during the bullfight.

Bullfighting in Spain

Bullfighting history

Bullfighting has never been a Spanish invention, its roots go to the traditions of the Iberian Peninsula and the rituals of Ancient Greece. The bull was always a symbol of power, some people worshiped his rage, revered as sacred animals, others performed ritual games, fighting for the right to be called the strongest.

The modern bullfight appeared in the 18th century thanks to the legendary in Spain, the toreador Francisco Romero, who first fought the bull on land . Previously, only the representatives of the highest class - knights and caballeros, fought on an angry animal, riding a horse . Rapid pace of the corrida has gained popularity across Spain, has become a cultural feature and inherently th part of the Spanish life . "Golden Age" of the Spanish bullfight is the beginning of the 20th century, this time in the squares are the best bullfighters: Juan Belmonte, who became the father of the style of bullfighting, Rafael Gonzalez and Jose Gomes .

At the end of the 20th century, the first movement for the abolition of bullfighting. And now in Spain, passion rages over protests of animal advocates, ecologists calling for the abandonment of one of the oldest traditions of the country.

In Catalonia, the bullfight was abolished forever. On September 25, 2011 Barcelona's main stadium gathered thousands of spectators to bid farewell to one of the symbols of the country.