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Mila's house is a dwelling house and an architectural monument ... Rarely these concepts are linked together, but there are exceptions. The case of the Casa Mila, or in the Spanish manner of Casa Mila, is just such an exception. And in fact, not for nothing that this landmark of Barcelona in 1984 was the first building of the 20th century, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Casa Mila in Barcelona Mil House
Casa Mila in Barcelona
At first the Barcelona ladies did not speak highly of Gaudi's new creation. Extravagant house was nicknamed "pedrera", which means a quarry, for its uneven and heavy facade. Now the Casa Mila is a recognized masterpiece of architecture, without a photo against its backdrop, not a single visit to Spain.

Built this unusual in many senses house architect Antonio Gaudi in 1906-1910 for the Mila family .And this was the last secular work of the famous master, he further devoted himself to the cathedral of Sagrada Familia .Unusual the project was not only a facade, although for its unevenness and heaviness the Barcelona residents called the house "quarry" (in the Spanish "pedrera"), the citizens of the extravagant building initially did not like .Innovative in the creation of Gaudi were engineering solutions .For example, a well-thought-out natural ventilation system at Mil's house allows you to abandon air conditioners, interior partitions in each of the apartments in the house can be moved at your discretion, since there are no load-bearing walls, there is an underground garage .

Wonderful forged bars of the balconies of Mil's house were the result of the improvisation of Zhuzepa-Maria Zhuzhol, who collaborated with Gaudi in other projects.

It was also a curiosity for that time that almost every room had a window into which daylight comes. Today, Casa Mila is a recognized masterpiece of architecture, without a photo against its backdrop, not a single visit to Spain.

Mil House

Today Mila's house is owned by a local bank, which uses the former apartment in the mezzanine area of ​​1,000 square meters for exhibitions. Also there is a museum dedicated to the work of Gaudi. You can go to the roof terrace and admire the architectural ensemble consisting of gardens, monsters, stairs.

Practical information about Mila's house

Address - Passeig de Gracia Boulevard 92, at the intersection with Carre de Provence Street.

The nearest metro station is Diagonal (lines 3 and 5).

Buses 7, 16, 17, 22, 24, 28 and the FGC train, Provença stop.

Working hours are daily from 9.00 to 20.00 (March-October) and from 9.00 to 18.30 (November-February).

The museum is closed on December 25.

Admission: adults - 20 EUR, children 7-12 years -11, 25 EUR, children under 6 years - free of charge.

Exposition on the roof of the house Mila, Barcelona Mil House
On the roof of the house Mila
Mila's house, inside view, Barcelona Mil House
In the courtyard of the house Mila

Reviews about the House of Mila (5)

Now the whole facade of the house is tightened with a building cover - the restoration is underway July 06, 2014

was here in July 2014
Walked from the pl .Catalunya in terrible heat, we sat on the stool under the house Casa Batlio - we gathered strength to move forward, we looked on the map, that to Mila's house only 3 blocks ahead .We came and see that the whole facade of this house from the ground to the roof is tightened with a building cover - restoration is underway, the entrance columns are covered with a yellow password, and a huge inscription on the cover - repair .They tried to look under the cover from underneath the bottom, and there the whole house was already in the scaffolding densely to the facade, then even a centimeter of the facing was not seen .(Back we went by the metro, in the summer in such heat it is difficult to walk around the city .)
Evaluation 10

The magnificent architecture of the great Gaudi February 03, 2014

was here in December 2013
Being the third time in Barcelona in December 2013, I decided not to waste time and finally go to see the famous Mila house built by Antonio Gaudi!
Since the city I know is not bad enough, especially its tourist itineraries, I easily found the road from the Plaza Catalunya to the House. Walking is about 20 minutes, taking into account the constant stops in the photo and looking at the windows of boutiques, of which there are a lot!
Already coming to "Mila" I replaced the special revival of people ... Read the whole review
Mil House Mil House Mil House Mil House
Evaluation 9

The famous monster September 12, 2013

Polar Star
was here in October 2012
Mila's house, better known as Pedrera, is another tourist destination in Barcelona, ​​another Gaudí masterpiece. It is located in the center of the city, on Paseich de Gracia. Nearby - bus Turistik bus stop. Pedrera is surprised by one of its kind - a huge gray hulk of irregular shape, with iron bristles, as if bristling with lattices. As if they took a huge rock somewhere from the coast and stuck in the middle of the city for nothing.
For the opportunity to inspect Pedrera ... Read full review
Mil House Mil House Mil House Mil House
Evaluation 9

Home + museum August 07, 2013

was here in August 2012
If we compare it with the house of Baljo, then this one is a little less bright, but no less interesting. These two houses are not far from each other, so if you walk around in the evening, be sure to look at both in the backlight - a very charming sight!
In addition to the house Mila, inside you can see the museum of Gaudí itself (7 floor), enjoy a beautiful view from the roof of the building and wander inside the house along the numerous balconies and terraces with decorative palm trees. The audio guide at the entrance is of two kinds ... Read full review
Mil House Mil House Mil House

Absolutely unique building July 18, 2013

was here in May 2013
"Casa Mila" is probably the second most popular object of Gaudi after the cathedral "Sagrada Familia". At least, the queue at the cash register of this house-museum was about the same (stretched along the entire building, stood about an hour). But even when we finally bought the cherished tickets (37 euros for two), let our bags through the inspection pipeline and entered the hall of the first floor ... were in a new queue. This time - to the elevator to climb the roof. But all of our "sufferings" paid off when ... Read full review
Mil House Mil House Mil House