To read 3 feedbacks about the Cathedral of Barcelona
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The Cathedral of Barcelona is an amazingly beautiful example of a Gothic style with distinctive life-affirming Catalan motives .Despite its massive nature, which provokes the viewer's thoughts about the unhappy Middle Ages, the cathedral boasts a mass of elegant details - a pompous Gothic "rosette" above the central entrance, slender columns and towering towers .But the main attractions are located inside - the sculpture of Christ from the flagship of the Catalan fleet, 13 white geese to the glory of St. Eulalia and the dizzying views of Barcelona from the dome of the cathedral .

How to get here

Walking along the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, ​​look for Carrer del Bisbe, which starts from Saint Jaume Square. It is pedestrian, so that from contemplation of the cathedral slowly opening before you, nothing will distract. In addition, on both sides of the street visitors are waiting for interesting shops. The best view of the cathedral opens from the square de la Seu - this is where its main façade comes.

A bit of history

Such a large-scale enterprise as the erection of the Cathedral of Barcelona, ​​of course, required a lot of money and time. The first was often not enough, and construction was stopped for an indefinite period. For this reason, various architectural elements of the cathedral date back to 1298-1460 years, and the main facade was built only in 1870 on the basis of sketches of the 15th century.

The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona
The Cathedral of Barcelona
Inside the Cathedral, Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona
Inside the Cathedral

The interior of the cathedral

Entering the cathedral through the main entrance, you get into a huge, singing space, bounded somewhere by a high flying dome. The layout of the cathedral is a central wide nave and two side passages, separated from it by elegant columns.

The main masterpiece of the altar of the cathedral is the wooden sculpture of Christ of Lepant, once located on the nose of the flagship of the Spanish fleet in the battle with the Turks at Lepanto in 1571 .Visible to the unaided eye curvature, the statue acquired, protecting the ship from the flying projectile .A little further at an impressive height in the wall are the sarcophagi of Count and Countess Berenger, with the active participation of which in the 11th century the predecessor of the present Cathedral was built .It is worth paying attention to the 14th-century wooden carvings that rise in the center of the nave, crowned with the coat of arms of the Barcelona branch of the Order of the Golden Fleece . In the crypt under the altar, you can see the alabaster sarcophagus of Saint Eulalia, one of the patrons of Barcelona, ​​martyred at the hands of the Roman persecutors in the 4th century.

From the chapel of the Cathedral, the elevator lifts people to the observation deck at the dome. The cost of pleasure is 2, 20 EUR.
The Cathedral of Barcelona (English)

A cozy inner courtyard of the cathedral with lush greenery and a fountain is worth a visit, where thirteen sleek white geese live and remember in memory of Saint Eulalia. In one of the adjoining chapels, the names of 930 worshipers perished during the Spanish Civil War were immortalized.

The hall of church meetings, richly decorated with red velvet and carvings on a dark tree, presents several significant works of art, including "Pieta" by Bartolomeo Bermejo.

Visiting the cathedral with a minimum of tourists is best right after opening or in the evening. If you want to visit the interiors of the cathedral "to the maximum", it makes sense to buy a single ticket: choirs, meeting hall and a viewing platform on the roof for 5 EUR.

Address and opening hours

Address: Placa de la Seu, the nearest metro station is Jaume I.

Opening hours: 8:00 - 20:00.

Interior of the Cathedral, Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona
The interior of the cathedral
Stained Glass, Barcelona Cathedral The Cathedral of Barcelona
Stained glass
Thirteen white geese, Barcelona Cathedral The Cathedral of Barcelona
Thirteen white geese

Reviews of the Cathedral of Barcelona (3)

Evaluation 9

In beach clothes do not admit July 06, 2014

was here in July 2014
Admission is free, were at 10 .thirty.At the entrance of the sign with clear pictures, that men and women in sleeveless undershirts and short shorts, shorts, church entrance is not allowed .At the entrance there is a polite but serious uncle in the form .I was in a dress up to the floor, but without sleeves, one daughter in a dress with a short sleeves, and the second daughter - 15 years old - in a summer dress with little pencils wide with a pencil, then her hand was shown a stop because of the open shoulder, and the two of us allowed .On the square at the entrance there were two Spanish tsiganochs and sold a variety of shawls from the cheesecloth for the initially rejected visitors .The next day we walked around the old quarter all with a short sleeve and went to the cathedral again .There is a fountain in the yard of the sweep with drinking water craters .
Evaluation 9

Gloomy and mesmerizing beauty November 28, 2013

was here in April 2012
The Cathedral of Barcelona is, of course, a cult place, but to understand the intricacies of the Gothic quarter to go straight to him, my husband and I did not want to. But, apparently, it was destiny to get there, because, calmly walking, we went straight to him. We went there for free, however, it was in the morning. But it was a strange impression: you come with a sunny, light-filled street, and you find yourself in the realm of semi-darkness. The Gothic character of this building is felt both outside and inside. But this ... Read full review
The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona
Evaluation 8

Barcelona Gothic September 27, 2013

Polar Star
was here in October 2012
Catedral - this is how Barcelonaers call their cathedral - located in the Gothic Quarter, a few minutes walk from Plaza Catalunya. In front of the cathedral is a small square, where something like a flea market works on weekends. At the entrance, on the stairs nesting beggars, in the alleys in the neighborhood play musicians and sell souvenirs sellers. Pickpockets also meet, neater!
The system of visiting the cathedral is very strange - morning and evening you can go for free, and in the afternoon - for 6 euro .... Read the entire review
The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona The Cathedral of Barcelona