From year to year, pilgrims arrive in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on the feast of St. James, which takes place from 24 to 25 July. On the night before the celebration, an exciting laser show with music and fireworks lighting the main cathedral of the city in Obradoiro Square is arranged

For the local residents, the St. Jacob's holiday is double, as July 25 is also Galicia's Day, as St. James is not only the patron Spain, but also Galicia. Crowds of pilgrims and Galicians are equally gathered in the squares of Santiago de Compostela, where street carnivals pass.

The culmination of the holiday is the performance of officials and dignitaries in Obradoiro Square with a speech on holy peace and prosperity. Do not miss Fuegos del Apóstol, a pyrotechnic show with fireworks, which is held on July 24 in honor of St. James.