Tomato rivers flow through the streets and squares, the walls of houses and all around are covered with a dense, scarlet mash of tomatoes. No, this is not an explosion in a canned tomato factory, it's one of the brightest holidays in Spain - Tomato (Tomato).

On the last Wednesday in August, at 11 am, a special firecrack explodes at the town hall of Bunyol, signaling the beginning of tomato madness . More than 40 thousand people rush to the trucks approaching the main square, snatch ripe "shells" and attack them everyone who is nearby!

In the last Wednesday of August, at 11 am in the town hall of Bunyol, the Valencian community, a special firecrack explodes, serving as a signal for the beginning of tomato madness.

During the battle, the windows of cafes, restaurants and shops are closed with plastic shields. Tomato battles are not limited to the square, grabbing the nearest streets. If the edge of the holiday's territory is difficult to determine, then its temporary border is clearly defined - it can take exactly two hours to throw tomatoes.

The holiday was canceled several times by the authorities, which caused a storm of discontent among local residents. In 1959, the municipality allowed Tomatina to carry out four conditions: strict adherence to the holiday, a ban on damage to rival clothing, a ban on the use of something other than tomatoes as a shell, and a ban on obstructing truck traffic.
La Tomatina - battle Tomatoes

The first time Tomatina showed herself in 1945. Then it was just a brawl involving vegetables from the nearest store as a weapon. But the next year the brawl was repeated, the vegetables in the shop were bought in advance, and the number of participants increased several times.

Since the 1980s, ammunition for Tomatina has been supplied by the local government, which significantly increased the scale of the battle, making it at least international.

The holiday ends with a bath in the pool filled with tomato juice. The next few days on the washed square is the Tomato festival - a harvest festival and the end of summer.