How to get from Madrid to Denia (Costa Blanca)?

Responsible information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
First of all you need to get to Madrid from Valencia . To do this you can take advantage of the modern high-speed train . It goes around once in half an hour from early morning till late evening . The cost of the trip is € 75 . Further from Valencia by expressway you can reach Denia by car, taxi or bus in an hour, enjoying the scenic scenery of Costa Blanca . The ticket from Valencia to Denia costs € 10-11, the bus goes often enough (the schedule can be viewed on the website of the passenger company www . alsa . es) . The trip will be quite comfortable and relatively fast - about 3, 5 hours .
Answer Nadezhda Khvatova, Russian Express
Can be reached by train from Madrid to Alicante and then by taxi

30 April 2013

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