How to get from the airport of Malaga to the center?

Responsible information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
From the large international airport of Malaga to the city center can be reached by train, bus, taxi or renting a car. The fare for a taxi will start at about 15 EUR, depending on the distance you will have to travel to the hotel (up to the port about 25 euros). The taxi stand is located at the exit from Terminal 2. It should be remembered that there are large traffic jams in the summer.

Bus No. 19 will perform approximately the same route for EUR 1, 5. Departure every half an hour, stops on the main roads - Alameda Principal and Paseo del Parque, where all city buses also stop. The names of the stops, so as not to miss the right one, can be found on the electronic display in the cabin of the bus.

October 18, 2011

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