What is the difference in time between Moscow and Spain?

Responsible information department of "Tourism Subtlety"
Spain lives in Central European time in winter, more precisely, from the last Sunday in October to the last in March. For the summer (from April to October inclusive), the whole country "moves" for an hour ahead of the time zone UTC + 1 in UTC + 2. This time is called the Central European summer. It differs from the Moscow time by 4 hours in a smaller direction, and the Central European one, taken in winter - by 3.

At the same time, the Canary Islands, which are part of the state of Spain, live in a completely different time zone - in summer at UTC + 1, and in winter in zero, UTC + 0. That is, the time in their territory (it's called Western Europe) lags behind the rest of the country for an hour.

December 5, 2011

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