What is the weather forecast from the middle of September 2013 in Santa Susanna: sea waves, average temperature of water, air, precipitation?

Responses information department of "Tourism subtleties"
On average in September in Santa Susanna the air will warm up to + 25 ... + 26 ° С. At night, the thermometer's column drops to +18, 5 ° C. At this sunny days in September there are about 25, and for the truly rainy - no more than three. Precipitation drops to 35.5 mm

The length of the light day during September decreases from 13 hours to 11 hours, 8 hours

The water temperature in the sea averages +24 ° C.

Thus, in the middle of September the weather in Santa Susanna will be good for beach rest, even tanning and pleasant sea baths, and for the excursion program - without suffocating heat and bad weather.

And the current forecast for popular resorts in the coming days can be found on page "Weather in Spain"

September 5, 2013

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