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A glittering, bright and slightly insolent, Arab city of Tunis is located just behind the massive medieval Sea Gate. The fortress wall is practically not preserved anywhere, but the change of the French "fleur" to Arabic is eloquently evidenced by narrow streets filled with busily hurried Tunisians, shops of all sorts, crowded on both sides of alleys, and the flavors of coffee and hookah in the air. The medina of the city of Tunis is the number one place for absorbing the original flavor of Tunisian life and, of course, for buying souvenirs.

The two main streets of the medina of Tunisia are the Zituna Mosque and the Kasbah street, running parallel to the Sea Gate and meeting at the mosque. Deep into the depths of the medina, you reach the traditional markets, each of which is dedicated to a certain material craft. There are markets for wool and copper, shoe and shishas markets for national felt felt caps, a market for perfumers and goldsmiths. Among the most interesting sights of the medina of Tunisia are the oldest Zituna mosque ("Olive Tree"), and the Museum of National Traditions and Crafts of Dar Bin Abdell

 Medina of Tunisia  Medina of Tunisia
Medina of the city of Tunisia
 Zitoun Mosque, Medina of Tunisia  Medina of Tunisia
Zitouna Mosque, Medina of Tunis
 Warehouse, Medina of Tunisia  Medina of Tunis
Housewares, Medina of Tunisia
 Market, Medina of Tunisia  Medina of Tunisia
Market, Medina of the city of Tunisia