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One of Tunisia's most amazing sights is the Seven Sleepers mosque in the desert region of Tataouine (it was he who gave the name to the planet created by George Lucas's fantasy). According to legend, in it are buried some ancient giants - which is easy to believe, looking at the five-meter-long graves. As the legend says, these were the first Christians who hid in the cave from the Roman secret police and from malnourishment or religious trance because they fell asleep for as long as 400 years.

However, such a deep sleep did not slow down the physiological processes in the believers' bodies: the bodies of followers of Christ continued so when, after centuries, they finally awakened and with hope came out into the world, the locals saw the real giants.

However, after discovering that things are not going well as we would like, Islam is flourishing around, giants the moment ll have died with grief - this time for real. And the locals buried them according to the Muslim rite and since then they say that before the death the infidels nevertheless went to Islam, thereby securing a place in paradise. Such is the confusing story for the glory of tolerance.

The Mosque of the Seven Sleepers