The Turkish language is the official language of Turkey, native to 70 million people. There are many dialects of Turkish, the basis of the literary language today is the Istanbul dialect

Greetings, common expressions

Hello, hello Merhab, merab / selami
Goodbye (says the rest) Güle güle
@ Goodbye (says the outgoing) Goryushchuruz
It's nice to stay Hoshche kalyn
Thank you Teshekkur aderim, saol
Please (as an answer to "thank you") Rijah Aderim
It's my pleasure! Bir shais deil
Please (polite address) Buyrun
Sorry Affedersiniz / Bakarmysynyz?
Be healthy! Chok yasha
Yes Ewet
No Haiyr
What is your name? Adynyz not?
My name is ... Adım ...
I do not speak Turkish Turkmec Bilmiiorum
I do not understand Anlamiyorum
I had a great time Chok Hosh zaman gecirdim
Can I meet your friend? Arkadashynyzla tanyshabirir miyim?
I love you, I love you very much Sani Savyorum, sani chok
Beloved, the only one Sewgilim / Ashkim, bitan
My dear (dear) Джаным
Where here you can go dancing? Yakynda Disco of Varma?
Have Fun! Ilya Eulenger!
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For the good of the case

Where did you carry my suitcase? Benim bavulumu is the nérée götürdünü?
Did you see where the man with the suitcase ran? Benim bavulumla adam nérée gitti?
Are there any one-star hotels? Bir yyldyzly hotel olour mu?
Are you sure this is a real Gucci jacket? Boo montun hercek Gucci Oldugun eminmi sinez?
We are from Russia. In our group there are two hundred and thirteen people Rusyaadan Geldik. Bizim Groupup Ikiyuzonyuch Kishi Var
For such money, I can buy half of Istanbul Bu paraya Istabulun yarysyny alyrym
You've been following me for two hours Benim Pescuden yky saattyr bali Orsunuz

Numbers and numbers

Zero Syfir
One Bir
Two Iki
Three Uch
Four Dirt
Five Bash
Six Alty
Seven Edy
Eight Sekiz
Nine Dokuf
Ten He (from 11 to 19 - after "he" we put the units: he is bir, hei ...)
Twenty Yirmi (from 21 to 29 - after "yirmi" we put the units: yirmi bir ...)
Thirty Otuz
Sorok Kirk
@ Fifty Ellie
Sixty Altmysh
Seventy т Йетмиш
Eighty Сексен
Ninety Doxan
Hundred Юз
Tysiach Bean
Million Bir Moyen

Shops and restaurants

How much does it cost? Couple Couple? / Fiyaty ne Kadar?
It's too expensive Chalk Pahala
Write me the amount, please Язармысыныз лютфен
I need a map of the city Shehir dances lyazym
Where is a good restaurant here? Nerade Iyi Bir restaurant var?
Table for two, please Iki Kishilik bir mas, lutfen
Account, please Hepsi boo
Bon appetit! Afieto Olsun!
I will not buy anything from you Sisdin hichbirshey satmayajam
Your health! Sheref!
This is delicious! Chock Lazzati!


I would like to (a) place at the window Pengyre tarafunda ourmak trueorum
Where can I get a taxi? Taxiée nărăde binetabilirim?
Where does the bus stop? Otobyus nerade duruyor?
How to get to the bus stop? Otobus duranna saves the gedebilirim?
Where did you bring me to? Nereye beni heteredines?
Take me to this address, please Beni Buu address gyotryurmyusyunyuz
How much does it cost? (travel) Ne Kadar?
I need a one-way ticket Ticket tak yen lutfen

Swear in Turkish

Tsyts! Sous!
Fool Salak
I'll show you Kuzkin's mother! Гюнюню гёрурсун сен!
Nahal! Haddini Bilmez the Sheriff!
Go away! Kaibol! Git! Defol!
Keep your tongue Didini here
Yes you are kidding! Hadi Ya ?!
I swear! Wallachy!


Brake! (not insulting) Signal gec dyushty
Found food - eat, saw a fight - run Yemek buldunmu ye, dyak gordjunmu kach.