What is the time difference between Turkey and Moscow?

The whole territory of Turkey is in one time zone UTC / GMT +2 hours. Since recently Russia has stopped moving to winter time, the time difference between the Russian capital and the cities of Turkey is +2 hours, that is, a new day in Moscow starts 2 hours earlier.

These data refer to summer time, because in Turkey, on the contrary, has a division for winter and summer time. The transition to the winter time (an hour ago) in the country is carried out sometime in late October, and the return to summer time is at the end of March. In winter, the difference is reduced by an hour. So, when you arrive in Turkey, you are technically in the past, however, only for one or two hours.

Answer Zaur Harikov, Uniturs
The difference between Moscow and Istanbul is 2 hours; if in Moscow 12.00, then in Istanbul 10.00. Also with Antalya, the difference is 2 hours

March 18, 2013

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