Tell us about the opportunity to order a car from the UAE? I heard that it is very profitable and convenient, and the machines are of excellent quality.

Answer Elena Khryapina, Russian Express
Our long experience suggests that it is better to refrain from buying a used car: in the UAE, heavy (dust, sand, heat), which adversely affects mechanics.

If it is a question of new cars, it should be noted that the UAE does not have its own car industry, but cars of all the most famous brands are exported there . But, for sure, not all of them are adapted to our climatic conditions, and so do not be surprised if some problems find themselves at low temperatures, for example, some parts that are resistant to high temperatures can not withstand low temperatures and fail (all composite materials and rubber products have temperature restrictions on use), or the absence stove in the car (a case that happened to one of my friends) .

In any case, think over all the pros and cons and you will have to make a decision.

We wish you a successful choice!

June 2, 2011

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