Every year, car enthusiasts are looking forward to the opening of the North American International Auto Show, which is traditionally held in mid-January in Detroit (USA). Not so long ago, the Autoshow in Detroit enchantingly celebrated a big anniversary - 100 years

The history of the world car festival

The first so-called "Detroit Motor Show" took place in the far 1907 and lasted only 5 days. Its organizer was the Association of Deutroit auto dealers, which existed only a few months. The association included famous representatives of the "Big Automobile Troika" - Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. The idea of ​​holding the Motor Show belonged to Henry Ford himself.

At first the event was of an exhibition nature. In a small pavilion of Riverside Park, you could see several cars, bicycles, automated crews and various automotive equipment. In addition, in the framework of the "Detroit Motor Show" small competitions were held.

The entrance cost only half a dollar, so that everyone could visit the Motor Show.

The first exhibition made a real sensation. The event was visited by more than 300 people.

Since then, every winter in Detroit, the winter auto show has started to grow every year . The buildings in which it was located were changing, the number of cars presented increased, new exhibits were added, the exposition became more complicated . The concept of the "Detroit Motor Show" also underwent changes: for 10 years from the usual auto show Autosalon has turned into a whole festive event, where you could see about 200 cars from the known manufacturers .The exhibition halls were decorated in every possible way: flowers, amazing draperies and balloons gleamed on the walls and ceilings of the pavilions rented by the organizers .

Detroit Auto Show

During the Second World War, the Detroit Motor Show ceased to exist. Later, in the late 60's, when the political and economic situation in the country more or less stabilized, the Motor Show celebrated its triumphant return. The cars of European manufacturers were first presented at the exhibition in 1957.

Since 1965 to this day, the Detroit Motor Show is held at the Kobo Exhibition Center located in one of the most prestigious districts of the city.

Over the years, the exhibition has gained wide popularity and gained the status of a secular event, so the organizers decided that it should officially "go" beyond the boundaries of one city. In 1989, she was awarded the proud title of the North American International Auto Show, and Detroit was named the US automotive capital (in view of the fact that this is the birthplace of the Auto Show and the headquarters of the "Big Automobile Troika"). Since then, not only American and European cars, but also cars from manufacturers from all over the world have been represented at the exhibition.

Detroit Auto Show Today

Today The Detroit Auto Show is a large-scale event that annually attracts more than 800,000 visitors. About 7 thousand of them are media representatives. At the famous Motor Show, more than 50 different world automobile manufacturers are presented, which for the first time bring out the latest models of cars, as well as electric cars, hybrids and concept cars.

The exhibition lasts about 10 days: the first two days of the Autoshow door are open only for journalists, the third - for those who want to donate a round sum to charity (entry costs 250 dollars). The rest of the days the Motor Show can be visited by everyone - an entrance ticket costs only $ 12.

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