The notion of "zombies" in popular culture refers to a walking dead man, animated by someone's evil whim, who does not have his own will and only executes orders. . As a rule, zombies crowd around people in the hope of snatching a piece of them fatter . And the origin such a colorful name refers to the West African tribes and their beliefs in powerful voodoo witches possessing the ability to raise dead bodies . However, these former dead people look, frankly speaking, it does not matter . They move shuffling, insecure for by losing, on the move, parts of his semi-decaying body .

The word "zombie" was first mentioned by American journalist William Seabrook, who lived for some time in Haiti and got acquainted with aborigines practicing the cult of voodoo. It happened in the late 20s of the last century and caused the first surge of interest in the living dead beyond the Atlantic.

However, in the modern world, the reason for the rabid popularity of the zombie theme was the films "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" by George Romero , as well as Richard Matheson's book "I-Legend". Despite the rather wide popularity of zombie themes around the world, the "love" of "dead" is used in the USA. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the main megacities of this country, in New York, hosts one of the largest zombie festivals.

The notion of "zombie" in popular culture refers to a walking dead, animated by someone's evil whim, not having his own will and only executing orders. As a rule, a zombie crowd runs after people hoping to snatch a piece of them fatter.

Zombie Zombie Festival takes place in New York in October, usually a few days or weeks before Halloween. The participants of the parade are mostly young people who happily mutilate each other, causing ominous makeup. As a result of such actions, the crowd is radically transformed and looks so repulsive and naturalistic that perhaps even the shaman of voodoo would have gone naughty after seeing the most real army of insurgent dead.

Many parade participants believe that they express a certain public position in this way, protest against imposed model of the consumer society and so on. Of course, anything can be, but it is not very clear how cut bleeding wounds, cyanotic faces and other colorful details can serve as an expression of any protest. However, the zombie festival attracts a lot of tourists, which, of course, reflects well on the city treasury, so the authorities are very loyal to this event.

In short, the main purpose of the parade is to have fun and have a good time, and then remember the next year, frightened by its costume passers-by . In 2014 the procession of "zombare" will be held on October 11.
