Are there good roads in Los Angeles?

Answer information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Yes, the quality of the roads in Los Angeles is good, they are even, without holes and potholes. The freewheels are corrugated, and the urban roads are asphalted, and a thin layer of asphalt is often refurbished, without waiting until there are holes in it. There are paths for cyclists, almost everywhere, except for the Freeways. In case of traffic jams, the extreme left lane of the road (it is called carpool) is intended. According to it, jams of cars with at least one passenger can travel around. Since all drivers follow the rules of the road, they do not need taxiing without it.

Complex, multilevel transport interchanges are perfectly planned in the city. Each of them has information boards that display information about each section of the road

December 20, 2011

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