Ilf and Petrov did not reach here, and you must get to the most northern state of America - Montana. After all, this is a state of treasures and its slogan is "the best place"! That's so immodest, but it's justified. In the 19th century, the first gold was found here, then silver and copper, and now the state of tourism is excellent, and anyone who sets foot on this land will get precious impressions from the rest.

For lovers of ecotourism, Montana is a paradise: rafting, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, rock climbing, mountain biking, exploring the wild nature of the national forests.

Montana is the birthplace of the famous film director David Lynch. The author of the famous film "Twin Peaks" was born in the town of Missoula

The capital of the state is Helena.

Big cities - Billings, Great Falls, Laurel and Anaconda.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Ticket search for the city of New York (nearest a / n to Montana)
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 Cuisine Montana
  • 4 Entertainments, excursions and attractions of Montana
    • 4.1 The Church in Helena
    • 4.2 National Ice Park
    • 4.3 Billings
    • 4.4 Flethead Valley
    • 4.5 Hobbit House
    • 4.6 @ Also we recommend

How to get there

Two transfers and at least 60 thousand rubles are needed to get to Montana. Airlines offer flights through Salt Lake City and New York, or Amsterdam and Minneapolis, there are other options. City of arrival - Helena or Billings.

Search for tickets to the city of New York (the nearest airport to Montana)


Montana is a huge state in the territory, therefore the climate in its various parts is very diverse. In summer, the thermometer shows an average of +29 ° C, and in winter -2 ° C. In this case, the temperature differences in one district can be very strong. Confirmation of this - the town of Lom, known for a record temperature change for 24 hours: on one of the days of January 1972, the temperature here has increased from -48 ° C to 9 ° C. Rains in different districts of the state are also different: somewhere there are showers, and somewhere it will be pompered once a month - and, thank God.

Cuisine of Montana

We all know what Americans eat, we speak about this with a wrinkled nose , but in the "McDonald's" in Russia is not pushed. The inhabitants of the American North also eat fast food, in Montana you can find buses with "fast" Mexican cuisine. Yes, yes, four-wheeled cafe is driving around the streets! Come inside, and there instead of seats - a stove, a cook and even tables. And, of course, no stationary cafe can do without fried meat on the menu. Still, agriculture in Montana has not been forgotten and is developing.

In summer in the state's Indian reserves, and in Montana 7, you can see the competitions of local residents - the famous rodeo.

Entertainments, excursions and attractions Montana

To 70 the authorities of Montana realized that mining and agriculture were extremely unstable sources of income and focused on industry and tourism . Therefore today the guests of the state are met by a well-established infrastructure . Here you will not find skyscrapers and ironed in Montana - for lovers of ecotourism: rafting, hiking, fishing, horse riding, rock climbing, mountain biking, getting acquainted with the wild nature of the national forests . Of course, tens, if not hundreds, of tourist routes on historical and the cultural sites of Montana: the State Museum, the Rocky Mountain Museum, the Art Gallery, the State Capitol ...

All festivals are held in Montana all year round. In May - the festival of wine and food, in June - Strawberry, in July-August - the festival of balloons, in November - the Christmas Parade, in December - the Tree Festival.

The Church in Helena

The cathedral in the Gothic style in Helena attracts precisely its architecture, it is especially beautiful when there is snow around. Several religions coexist in the church: Calvinism, Catholicism, Judaism. Another attraction of the state capital is the Capitol, the home of the Legislature of Montana. Travelers like to stroll along the abandoned mining town in the vicinity of Helena - Marysville.

Glacier National Park

National Ice Park

The name Glacier National Park was received because of the large number of glaciers in its vast territory .On the territory of the park there are two mountain ranges and more than 130 lakes .The harsh mountains, wild forests and crystal ponds fascinate every tourist with their beauty .It is best to make two trips through the park territory - along a small and large route to see all the sights .One circle lies at the bottom, the second one leads to the viewing platform, from which a chic view of the glacier and the blue lake at its foot .Routes do not intersect with each other!

You can move along the serpentine roads of the park either by your own car or by the excursion bus.

For visiting the National Ice Park is open from May to September. Since summer in the north of America is not hot, a walk will not tire you.


Despite the fact that Billings is a city, it is here that you should go for an ecological rest! Here you will be offered to go to the mountains or fish on the rivers Baulder, Clearwater and Yellowstone, to hunt for moose or water skiing, to raft on a canoe.

On the territory of Montana, in the city of Anaconda is a famous chimney height of 178 meters. It is considered one of the highest brick buildings in the world.

Flethead Valley

This is the reservation of the Indians of the three peoples: kutene, salish and pandorai. It is especially interesting here in summer, when local people organize various competitions, like rodeo. In general, there are seven Indian reservations in the state, and Browning has a Museum of Indians of the foothills of the Rockies.

House of Hobbit

House of Hobbit

There is a very unique place in Montana - fans of the Tolkien epic will be appreciated! In the town of Trout Creek there is a guesthouse called "The House of the Hobbit". It was built by the couple Steve and Christina Michaels, spending 410 thousand dollars. In addition to the house itself, the entire territory - and this is more than 90 hectares - is styled to the world of fantasy characters.

Day in the house of the Hobbit, dug in the hill, will cost $ 300 - not an expensive pleasure, although Tolkien fans certainly do not greedy.

All prices are indicated for the summer of 2013.