If you are tormented by the laurels of Indiana Jones in search of a sacred artifact, then you certainly need to visit New Mexico. The indigenous population of this picturesque, Indian-Latin American state of the United States calls its land "charming", describing the unique natural landscapes and ancient secrets of the Pueblo people, who lived in New Mexico in the 12th century. Currently, New Mexico is the most important center of American Indian culture, there are about 50 indigenous ethnic groups (the largest is the Navajo people).

Roswell Military Base is the site of the annual pilgrimage of UFO fans, because it was here in 1947 that a statement on the detection of traces of extraterrestrial origin. Even after attempts to rebut, the secret status of the find still tears the minds of those who are not indifferent.

The capital of the state is Santa Fe, rich in historical attractions, like other major cities - Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Roswell, Farmington, Rio Rancho, Alamogordo.

 New Mexico
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A bit of history

In the 17th century, New Mexico attracted the attention of the Spaniards, they rushed here in search of gold . And from that moment the history of the state is the story of the bloody colonial wars between Mexico and the USA . As a result, the state of New Mexico entered in 1912 and by the 1940s it became a place the creation of the largest scientific and military base of nuclear energy and space research . In the notorious Los Alamos in 1945 there was the first ground-based test of the atomic bomb . And it was empty In the southwest of New Mexico, the "Cosmoport America" ​​is under construction, where in the near future all fantasies will dream of the possibility of flying for "space tourists" .

How to get to New Mexico

Santa Fe Municipal Airport Santa Fe Municipal Airport) takes regular flights from Los Angeles, Dallas and Denver. Tel. 505 955 2900. In Albuquerque, tourists are served by the Sanport International Airport. Tel. 505 244 7700.

Search for tickets to the city of Albuquerque (the nearest airport to New Mexico)

In the satellite city of Santa Fe-Lamy, the Chicago-Los Angeles train runs daily in the city of Amtrak, take the express bus from the station to the center of Santa Fe


New Mexico is located in the west of the USA and occupies an extensive mountain and sand territory at 315,194 sq. km . km (one of the largest regions in the country) . "Charming Land" has borders with the states of Colorado in the north, Oklahoma in the northeast, Texas in the east, Arizona to the west e, and Mexico - along the Rio Grande River in the south . The state also has an unusual geographical feature: at the point with the spoken name "Four corners" where the western border of the state flows into the southern one, at the 90 degree angle the four states (New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and literally at one point - Utah) .

If you stand in the "Four corners" point in a special way, then hands and feet can be simultaneously in four different states. Tourists, of course, can not miss this opportunity and are photographed in funny poses at a special pointer in vain.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions New Mexico

New Mexico attracts tourists not only with unique natural attractions, but also with historical monuments of Indian culture : the object of the Unesco-Taos-Pueblo heritage (in the thousand-year-old houses the representatives of the pueblo people still live), the Aztec ruins, the Bandeler (the Friholles canyon with the ruins of the pueblo), the rocky dwellings in the Hill valley , Petroglyph National Monument in Albuquerque, the remnants of Fort Union and many other

International Flamenco Festival in New Mexico are not less popular than in the home of dance -.. In Spain

In addition, the state is known for its active creative life. The capital of Santa Fe is considered a prestigious center of contemporary art, along with New York and Los Angeles. Here are such museums as the Museum of New Mexico, the Georgia Gallery of O'Keeffe, the International Museum of Folk Art, the Museum of American Indians of Wilrayt.

Inspiration for contemporary art is the rich heritage of not only Indian culture, but also the Spanish, which is carefully preserved by numerous cultural centers. Thus, the international festival of flamenco in New Mexico is no less popular than in the homeland of the dance - in Spain.

Santa Fe is imbued with the charm of colonial Spain and subtle simplicity.

Palace of governors (1610) on Plaza de la Plana, chapel Capilla de Nuestra Secora with the statue of the Madonna (1625), the Cathedral of Saint Francis, the monastery of Guadalupe - to visit them - as if to visit medieval Spain

Every year in New Mexico, UFO fans come to the festival UFO, which runs near the Roswell military base. The place is not chosen by chance. Here in 1947, the military command announced the discovery of traces of extraterrestrial origin. Later a refutation was given with information that the find was an aerostat, but its secret status has been plagued by the minds of those who care for many years.

The small city of Lincoln attracts tourists with memorable places connected with the name of the legendary man, the famous American criminal of the 19th century - Billy Kid. This real character became a cult after many films, shot about his adventures. The inexhaustible romance of the western excites both fans of this genre of cinema and fans of American history

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Natural attractions

In the north of New Mexico, the Sangre de Sangre Mountains stretch out, Cristo (translated from Spanish - "the blood of Christ", the name is associated with the characteristic red color of the rocks), the ridges of San Juan, Hemez and Sandia. The height of most of the mountains forming Sangre de Cristo is 3,500 meters above sea level. Mount Willer Peak is the highest point of the state (4 013 meters)

In the southeast there are the mountains of Guadalupe, known by one of the most popular American national parks - Carlsbad caves. This is a chain of karst caves, the relief of which began to form 500 thousand years ago, and this process continues to this day.
The individual caves are under active modification and are a natural "underground laboratory" where geological processes can be observed in natural conditions.

Another unusual natural site New Mexico "White Sands" reserve covers an area of ​​59 thousand square meters, hectare of the deserted Tularos plain clamped by the mountain ridges of San Andreas and Sacramento

Here there are two unique geological and geomorphological phenomena: the lunar landscape of white sandy gypsum sand adjoins the huge, absolutely black stretch volcanic lava of comparatively recent origin

Giant piles of sparkling sand for thousands of years were formed when gypsum strata were broken and particles were sieved in an arid climate. Sand dunes 18 meters high are folded into a belt 8 meters wide, 40 kilometers long, which constantly moves under the pressure of the wind, creating whimsical patterns. The spectacle is truly fascinating!

Gastronomic Pleasures

Perhaps the most famous product on the farms of New Mexico is chili. The southern town of Hatch even fights for the title of "the world capital of Chile."

Annually on the national holiday of the United States - Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September, at the chili festival in Hatch, you can try not just sharp, but very sharp dishes of Mexican cuisine.

There is even a special route for culinary tourism - the "chili road", which certainly passes through this small town.