North Dakota - state, in which still roam the buffalo and bison, is located in the north central United States . word "Dakota" recalls the native inhabitants of America, of the first settlers and the Wild West - a raging and romantic . And not without reason - Indian word, translated from the language of the Sioux tribe, who lived in the area before the arrival of Europeans, means "friend" . So the informal name of North Dakota - "State ciu Indians" . However, there is another nickname - "State earth protein "(not to be confused with marmot, which is Zakoltseva L Bill Murray's life - he lived in Pennsylvania) .

North Dakota is hardly a tourist state. However, there is something to see and to entertain yourself.

In North Dakota, there are about 680,000 people (most of whom are from Germany and Norway) by 183,000 square meters. km. That is, the density of the population is just over 3 people per square kilometer - which is quite sparse, the state is sparsely populated.

The capital is Bismarck, while in the city of Fargo people live more than in the capital. Two other large cities of North Dakota - Grand Forks and Minot.

 North Dakota
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How to get

If you already have a visa to the US and money on the ticket, the case for small - you need to have a little patience, because there are no direct flights to Bismarck, the capital of North Dakota, nor to Fargo, the largest city of the state, from Russia, you will have to fly with at least two transplants. From Moscow, the flight will take at least 18 hours.

Search for air tickets to Bismarck (the nearest airport to North Dakota)

North Dakota's climate

North Dakota's climate - sharply continental, who was in Siberia, will understand . @ This means that it's hot in summer (+49 ° C - absolute maximum), in winter it's cold (-51, 1 ° C - absolute minimum) . But in that and the charm of this state - pronounced seasons can be used to the fullest . In winter - go for skiing, dog sledding and ice skating, snowshoe walking, ice fishing and chasing egohodah . summer - hunting, fishing (such as perch, pike perch and pike), mountain biking, camping, hiking and walks in the woods and nature reserves . In the offseason, also have something to do, for example, poizuchat Western history museums and national parks .

Another peculiarity of the North Dakota climate is flooding, in spring the Red River valley, which separates North Dakota from Minnesota, often floods. Incidentally, this valley of the Red River Valley - the eponymous heroine of the cowboy folk songs

Kitchen North Dakota North Dakota North Dakota

-. A multinational state where live ethnic Germans, Norwegians, French, Irish , Swedes, Russians, Englishmen, Indians and many others. Accordingly, the cuisine of North Dakota is strongly influenced by different cultures, it mixes the German, Russian, Scandinavian culinary trends with the traditions of the indigenous population. For example, from the German gastronomy cuisine in North Dakota came dumplings and specific salami from Norwegian -. Dried in a special way the fish and sweet waffles

Pies, very reminiscent of pasties, appeared in the arsenal there the cooks because of not Russian, not the Tatar traditions - Now you can not figure it out.

So the food in North Dakota is extremely atypical, eclectic and even unexpected - it amazes even guests from neighboring states, Minnesota and Montana.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

Severn Dakota is difficult to call a tourist state. Nevertheless, there is something to see and to entertain yourself, in addition to seasonal sports, hunting, fishing and unity with nature.

Festivals and fairs take place every year, for example, the Spring Film Festival in Fargo (usually in the first half of March), Norwegian autumn festival - the largest Scandinavian openeyr in the United States, North Dakota Fair, which takes place every summer with a special scale and is more reminiscent of the carnival, as well as an annual summer music festival in the style of "Wild West", which takes place near the town of Medora .In addition, North Dakota has many museums, both historical and patriotic, dedicated to the heroic American past, and artistic .

One of the most interesting points of the tourist culture program in North Dakota is the Empire Arts Center in the city of Grand Forks, the gallery and the theater "in one bottle."

Perhaps one of the most interesting points of the tourist culture program is the Empire Arts Center, the "arts center" located in the city of Grand Forks, a gallery and a "one-bottle" theater uniting roof the most diverse manifestations of creativity painting, sculpture, cinema, theater, music, art performances and lectures. Do not pass by!

And, of course, if you got to North Dakota, you should definitely visit the picturesque Theodore Roosevelt National Park - it's a historical and cultural landmark (and at the same time a great place to relax).

The Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Magnificent The Theodore Roosevelt National Park (26th US President) is located in the south-west of North Dakota. The park is so large that two time zones pass through its territory: in the southern part it lags behind the northern one for an hour

A short digression into the story - in 1884 Theodore Roosevelt suffered a misfortune, he buried his wife and mother (who died in different places , but on the same day) . From such a blow he recovered in the following way - retired from political activities to lead a quiet life of the farmer at a solitary ranch Elkhorn in North Dakota . He lived there for two years, recovered from loss, returned to politics (and even got married a second time), living in the endless plains of the west . Already after his death, in the 30-40s the US authorities began to develop the territories of North Dakota to create a reserve .

By the end of the 1970s the reserve got its present appearance , the status and name - Theodore Roosevelt National Park

The park is good to walk - along the ditches, fields and forests lies a tourist route, you can even go on a campaign for a few days. True, be vigilant - there are a lot of wild animals in the park: bison (the symbol of North Dakota), moose, wild horses, antelopes, coyotes, snow sheep and even rattlesnakes.

Bison and snow sheep in the first half of the 20th century, people destroyed - and only in the 1950s, these rare animals were brought into the reserve again. If you do not meet bison, do not be sad - you can always go to the giant bison statue, established near the city of Jamestown, she is also very impressive.