"Big River" - this is how you can translate the name of the state of Ohio, or rather, flowing through it the fastest and deepest inflow of the Mississippi. This region is located almost in the center of America. Thanks to the pleasant climate and favorable location along with the fertile land, these territories began to be mastered by the "builders of burial mounds", ery, otava, Hurons and other tribes, in ancient times. The relay was intercepted by the French in the 18th century.

Ohio has officially adopted the nickname "horse chestnut". In this part of the US, these beautiful trees really grow. But not only they are famous for the staff that entered the state of the seventeenth in a row. Ohio, formed in 1803, has a few more nicknames. Of those that are heard, the "Mother of Presidents" and "The birthplace of aviation."

Ohio has officially become known as the "horse chestnut" staff.

The cleanest lakes, pastoral landscapes, nature reserves attract ecotourism connoisseurs. Those who want to visit the noisy industrial cities can also make an extensive route. Ohio residents welcome the guests with the words: "Escape from the whole world and find yourself with us."

The capital of the state is Columbus

The largest cities are Cleveland, Cincinnati, Landen, Toledo

In addition to the "main" Ohio in America there are still about twenty settlements with the same name.

How to get there

The most important air harbor is functioning in Columbus. Port Columbus is only 10 km away from the capital. The international airport is also built in Dayton. Which of the arrival points to choose is up to you. The staff is heavily enveloped by the railway web, so you can get to any point without any transfer and comfort.

Search for tickets to the city of Columbus (the nearest airport to Ohio)


Ohio occupies only 34 place among other states, therefore it's not necessary to talk about the impressive tourists of the diversity of natural areas . The winters here are pretty cool, and the summer is hot . And if in plans - not only beach holidays, but also active tours, Ohio can be visited in any season . Impressions will be with an excess of . especially since prot The state of the state is only 355 km, you can see all the landmarks . The climate should be characterized as moderate, strong snowstorms in the winter months only happen in the northern part . Average July temperatures - from -18 to -28 ⁰C, January from +6 up to -1 ⁰C .


This central part of the Midwest of America includes one of the Great Lakes - Erie. Its picturesque shore is the northern border of the "horse chestnut staff". In the southern part, the Alleghen Plateau, part of the Appalachian system, is located

In addition to the Ohio River, Kayahoga, Saito, and Maskingam are among the major water arteries of the state. In the northwestern part of the region there used to be extensive "Black Marshes", which today practically disappeared. The sites were drained and successfully used for farmland. In Ohio, preserved a lot of provincial towns, nice farming villages, Amish settlements. The most developed megacities are located in the port area of ​​Lake Erie

Ohio symbols, in addition to horse chestnut, are recognized red carnation, seven-spotted ladybug, virgin, or white-tailed, deer, fanciful red cardinal and, of course, Charleston.
On the banks of Ohio

The very first

Ohio motto - "Everything is possible with God" . It is not known whether local residents rely on heavenly forces or prefer to establish their own order, however this part of the Northwest Territories by right is believed to be the birthplace of many inventions . Here the first ambulance was established in the USA (1865, Cincinnati), the first fire department . And in Cleveland in 1914 the first American traffic light was set up . However, the second most populous city in Ohio Also famous for the fact that on its streets the first appeared electron lights of sul - . in 1879 Fans of hot dogs argue that appetizing fast food consisting of bread rolls with sausage, come up with the locals . like chewing gum!

Ohio still has many absurd laws. For example, public transport should not spit in others. On the territory of the state it is forbidden to drink fish with liquor. In one house more than five representatives of the weaker sex can not reside at the same time. Moreover, in this area you can not breast-feed your child in front of passers-by.


Although Ohio thrives in large part due to the diligence of the local population, apart from such stable sources of income as agriculture and industry, the rate is also made for tourism. In addition, there is really something to see.

One of the main attractions of Ohio is the bridge in the town of Zanesville, made in the form of the letter Y . It has three ends and the same number of road surfaces . The only one of its kind in the world can be seen at the point of confluence of two water arteries - the Licking Lakes and Mackingham . The second in speed and height of the American roller coaster on the planet are also in this state . The giant 128-meter attraction is ready to meet extreme people in Sandusky, in Cedar Point Park, stretching for 145 hectares . And in Cincinnati a wooden 66-meter hill with an air loop, opened in 2000 .

Snake Barrow

The most ancient monument of earthen architecture. The Serpent-Mound curio mound is located near the eponymous crater. This amazing creation of Indian culture is located in the Adams district, its length is 440 meters. And in the height of the mound, similar in silhouette to the giant reptile, is about one and a half meters. It is still unclear who created this longest earth monument - no artifacts were found in the mound until it was established that it was erected around 1050 AD. e.
It is believed that the mound, made in the form of a snake swallowing an egg, represents a solar eclipse. There is one more opinion that in the largest circle the Indians lit ritual lights to attract a deity guarding the water, symbolized by the snake.

Valley of Kayahoga

The valley in the river valley received the status of a national park only in 2000 . It is almost impossible to walk around on foot, because the area of ​​Kayahoga is 33 000 acres . On secret paths you can see beavers, for them there is an ecosystem, wild ducks, herons . This is a whole recreation area, including many entertaining places with special programs . Admire the scenic views of the park and enjoy the paintings exhibited in the galleries of Peninsula, Boston . From natural masterpieces it is worth seeing the Brandywine Falls, the Tinkers Creek Gorge . The motorways are passing by the very valley, so you can get here without any hassle . @ There is a railroad along the winding river . In Cayahoga you can go skiing or biking, playing golf, listening to the symphony orchestra .

Cleveland, Ohio


This megalopolis is among the best on the standard of living of American cities . The city entering the district of Cayahoga is approximately 6% occupied by water, the industrial center is cut not only by canals, but also by railroad tracks. Founded in 1796, Cleveland was originally called Cleaveland, in honor of the founder, General Moses Cleveland. But because of an annoying misprint, the newspaper got accustomed to the name without the letter a - Cleveland. There you can see numerous skyscrapers, universities, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Steamboat Museum and other attractions.

Lake Erie Islands

Both small and large islands are scattered throughout the water surface of Lake Erie. Some of them boil nightlife, others are ideal for quiet walks. On the island of Kellis, there is a State Park with a number of limestone quarries formed in ice blocks. The shortest of all the Great Lakes, Erie, is washed by the shores not only of Ohio, but also of Michigan, Ontario in Canada, Pennsylvania, New York. In winter the pond freezes, but the flow of tourists does not weaken despite of everything.