Oklahoma stretched on the lands of the Great Plains, which once belonged to the Indian tribes . The very name of the state in the language of the people Choctaw means "red people" . Oklahoma received this name in the late 19th century on the initiative of the head of the Choctaw tribe, Allen Wright, the status of Indian territories . Oklahoma has the official nickname "hastily" or "state of land grabbers" because of tradition to organize competitive races for the right to stake out the most successful piece of land in the distribution of territories in the middle 19th century .

During the trip to Oklahoma, the view from the window is constantly changing: the gorges are replaced by semi-deserts, and those in turn are blossoming prairies.

Today Oklahoma is the twentieth largest state with a developed aviation and fuel industry. Despite the unpopularity in the media and among the inhabitants, Oklahoma remains an investment-attractive center, and several multinational companies have representative offices in the largest cities of the region.

The capital of the state is Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City's largest cities - Tulsa, Normon and Lawton.

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How to get there

The capital of Oklahoma City has direct flights from 97 cities of the world . From Russia to it it is necessary to fly with transfers through London (Heathrow), Madrid (Barajas) or Brussels . Also to Oklahoma it is possible to fly from a number of cities of America if you are already in the USA . So, direct flight by air with the state capital have: New York, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, Detroit and many other US cities . The state flies almost from all the cities with a million population of the United States, and the aire port of Will Rogers in Oklahoma City - one of the largest air hubs in North America .

Search for air tickets to the city of Oklahoma City (the nearest airport to Oklahoma)

Climate and nature

Much of Oklahoma is on the so-called Tornado Alley - the area between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains, where the largest number of cases of whirlwind hurricanes are recorded. The region in terms of the number of cases of tornadoes a year ranks third, behind only Kansas and Texas, and if we compare the territory of these three states, Oklahoma is confidently leading in the number of incidents in its territory.

Oklahoma has filmed a popular film in Russia "Storm" (1996), and in the press the region is often called the tornadorial capital of America.

The view from the car window when traveling to Oklahoma can recall one of the westerns, where the gorges are replaced by semi-deserts, and those in turn are blossoming prairies

Oklahoma City

Cinematography in many townsfolk has laid down the notion of Oklahoma as a state of cowboys, Indians and "red-necked" - ordinary American workers, simple and uninteresting . But this opinion is completely wrong . Oklahoma City is a large industrial city , which was recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the most resilient to the recession of large cities in America . There are ten skyscrapers in the city, the first of which was built as early as 1927 . And the highest building of the city was opened not so long ago - in 2012 . The height of the tower "Devon" is 257 meters, and on one of the last floors of the skyscraper arranged an observation deck .

In Oklahoma was filmed the first in the history of cinema feature film with the plot of "oil rules the world", directed by Stanley Kramer. Oklahoma Oil was so intrigued by the viewers around the world that the rights to rent this film were acquired even in the USSR for ideological propaganda and visualization of the "decaying capitalist west."

Oklahoma City is one of the few cities in the prairie zone that has Its water channels are similar to the water systems of Amsterdam or Venice. The capital's canal passes through respectable districts and leads to down-town cities, and the channel embankment has long become a favorite place for recreation among city dwellers and visitors.

The official nickname of Oklahoma "hastily" or "state of land-grabbers" because of the tradition to organize competitive races on the right to stake out the most successful piece of land in the distribution of territories.

Throughout the length of the canal there is a water taxi, on which one can reach an impressive monument and a plot dedicated to the era of the Wild West. The monument consists of 45 figures of women, men, children, carriages with horses and scarves, symbolizing the settlers, to whom the city owes its origin, the total length of the monument exceeds one hundred meters. Oklahoma City also has an impressive city park with a seven-storey botanical garden in the center.

Anadarko - Indian city in Oklahoma

Anadarko - Indian city

In 1955, anthropologists from the University of Oklahoma carefully planned and built seven villages for the Indians. The place for the construction was chosen not by chance, since it was here that over 100 years ago the loyal Confederations of the North of the Indians were massacred, and the restoration of ethnic self-consciousness in this territory was a tribute to the reconciliation of the indigenous and newcomers.

According to the data of demographic studies, Indians make up no more than 0, 88% of the US population, while in Oklahoma they live 11%, for which the staff can be called "the most Indian."

The Anadarko complex represents the personification of seven Indian tribes, originally living in Oklahoma .The villages carefully follow the traditional beliefs and everyday life of the past era .In Anadarko the Museum of the same name is opened, where artifacts of rich material culture of Indians are collected .On the territory of the museum complex, which includes a landscape cluster, you can see rare breeds of animals that live on 144 acres of land .Among the inhabitants it is especially worthwhile to single out so rare today the buffaloes, emu, lamas and black antelopes - animals, which played an important role in the life of Indian peoples .

Most of the Oklahoma Indian population belongs to the Cherokee tribe, whose representatives in the twenty-first century became the most educated among the other indigenous peoples of the state. Back in 1926, the legendary leader Sequoya developed a syllabic alphabet for the Cherokee language, on which the newspaper Cherokee Phoenix was published.

On the territory of the Indian town sold a huge number of souvenirs and, most importantly, on the shelves there is nothing imported or manufactured in the factory way. All items and decorations are made by hand by local Indian craftsmen. Anadarko operates daily from 9:00 to 17:00, except for the main national holidays and celebrations.

Guthrie - a look back to the history of the city.

Guthrie - Masonic track in the history of Oklahoma

Until 1910, the capital of the state was not Oklahoma City, but almost forgotten today Guthrie. The city is interesting at least because it is one of the few places in the Great Plains, where the luxurious architecture of the Victorian era was so densely and multifaceted.

Witnesses and travelers Guthrie was nicknamed "the stone queen of the prairies" for an exceptionally large number of stone buildings.

The largest building in the city, executed in neoclassical style, is the Masonic temple of the Scottish Rite, built in the beginning of the last century at an incredible sum of $ 2, 6. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city experienced an oil boom and could afford such luxury, the more that for the period of 1920 almost the whole population of the city was made up of masons. The building of the temple is perfectly preserved and covers an area of ​​six acres.

Guthrie is one of the few cities in the United States, where the classical European cities predominate. Through its streets to this day runs a historic tram, which tourists can ride.

On the territory of the city in an excellent condition is still more than 2000 buildings, representing architectural and aesthetic interest. Among them is especially worth noting the oldest and best preserved saloon "Blue Beauty", which in the period from 1902 to 1904 belonged to the star of silent cinema, the hero of westerns, cowboy Tom Mix. On the second floor above the saloon is a jewelry store, on the shelves of which you can find sometimes the most unexpected souvenirs.