Time in the US

Responses information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Because the US is a very large country, they could not manage in one time zone. The states live in 6 different time zones, from UTC-10 to UTC-5 inclusive. Some of these time zones except the alphanumeric designations have also names: UTC-8 is known as North American Pacific Time, UTC-7 is Mountain Time, UTC-6 is Central Time, UTC-5 is North American Eastern Time.

Hawaii located just in UTC-10, in this state time lags behind the world coordinated for 10 hours. Here the hands do not translate the clock for summer time. In the same way, they arrive in Arizona, living according to the Mountain Time (UTC-7). The rest of the US states conscientiously move from summer to winter time and back.

Thus, time in different states of the USA will lag behind Moscow (after the introduction of constant summer time) for 9-14 hours. That is, when in Hawaii 10 am and tourists go on excursions, in Moscow midnight. And in New York at the same time in the summer of 16.00, and in the winter - 15.00.

October 21, 2011

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