The Mojave Desert is considered a symbol of the South of the United States. Sometimes it is called the "Sahara of the New World". Here once the cowboys wandered, shot each other and searched for gold. As a result, nearby Las Vegas was built.

The desert takes over three states and part of Mexico, where it connects with the Sonoran desert. Here is the hellishly hot Death Valley. And the writer Stephen King placed a hole over Mohave in time, where the heroes of his story "The Langoliers" came.

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How to get here

The nearest town to Mojave that accepts flights from Russia - this is Los Angeles. Directly fly liners only Aeroflot. The average ticket price is about 1 thousand dollars. It's easier to get to Mojave from Las Vegas, where you can fly from the same Los Angeles for $ 50 and for one hour.

Search for tickets to Los Angeles (the nearest airport to Mojave)

Flora and fauna

Enjoying the flora of Mojave is difficult, because she is an amateur. Here you can find treelike yucca, creosote bush and numerous types of cacti. In addition to perennial plants, annual species and ephemeroids are waiting in Mojave. These are the seeds that come to life after the rain. True, not for long. But thanks to them the desert is transformed literally overnight, covered with colored spots and bright orange patterns.

The animal world of Mojave, like vegetation, has not bad adapted to severe conditions. Here live birds, a variety of insects, as well as snakes and lizards. Some species of mammals, mostly, lead a nocturnal life: they survive the daytime heat in underground burrows and come to the surface only at night, when the temperature drops sharply. In the desert, you can find kittens, iguanas, turtles, hares, goats, pumas, tarantulas, scorpions, foxes and other animals

Mojave Desert

Mojave City

In the desert there are amazing deserted cities - their called ghosts. Once here life was boiling, but then the settlements were emptied because new roads were built around them. In fact, local authorities forgot about these cities

One of the largest such settlements is called Calico - its inhabitants worked at silver mines. There is still a neglected railway depot Kelso.

Well, the largest and not the least abandoned cities of Mojave are Las Vegas and Palmeidl. There are several smaller towns, but they are not attracting a big attraction.

3 things to do in Mojave:
  1. To see the thermometer - it's the tallest in the world, reaching 40 meters. The thermometer is located near the I-15 motorway in the Baker area of ​​California
  2. Go to the telephone booth - it was installed in the desert in the 60s of the last century. This is perhaps the most secluded phone booth in the world. From the nearest highway it is separated 24 kilometers. Fans of the booth know the phone number and specifically call in the hope that someone will respond. Or they themselves go to Mojave while waiting for a call.
  3. To hear the singing of sand - in Mojave there are droning dunes of Kelso. When shedding, the sands emit a loud low sound, which lasts 15 minutes. This hum caused fear to the inhabitants of the desert and became a source of legends

Fun, excursions and attractions Mojave

Several interesting desert attractions that will surprise every tourist

Death Valley

This part of the desert is called so because In summer here the normal temperature is 52 degrees Celsius. The Indians called it "Burning Earth". And really from June to October, walking through the Valley of Death is physically impossible. Flies do not fly here, and lizards lie on their back and cool their paws.

In one hour of staying in the Valley of Death, a person loses 1 liter of water. Dying here from dehydration is easy.

Spaceport and Airports

There are two airports in Mojave. This brings the aircraft that once served commercial flights. Liners just stand in the heat and wait for their fate. Something this collection of equipment resembles the operating terminal, but no one annoyingly announces the arriving flights.

It is interesting that most of the aircraft came here after the September 11, 2002 terrorist attack. Then the airlines were ruined every day and sent to the parking lot for the good liners.

And the only cosmodrome in the States is nearby, from where rich customers are sent to the cosmos.

Joshua-Tri National Park

This park was created in order to preserve flora of the desert, which is severely affected by drought. At first glance the desert seems gloomy. However, in a few minutes you will be able to find a lot of interesting things.

In the territory of this park archeologists find artifacts that indicate that people began to live this territory during the ice age. For example, Pinto Indians lived here - until the rivers dried up, and the terrain did not turn into a desert.

There were mines and deep wells from the first white settlers in the national park. One of the attractions of Joshu-Three is a Yucca short-leaved plant. The locals call it the tree of Joshua. On the territory of the Mojave in the Valley of the Queen and the Valley of the lost horse there are whole forests of yucca. This plant lives to several hundred years, producing beautiful white flowers from February to April

Lake Mead

This is the largest reservoir in the United States. The lake supplies water to all of Southern California and Nevada. Here is built the famous Hoover dam, which protects the territory from the exit of the lake.

Millions of tourists come here all year round to go boating, water skiing, fishing, sunbathing. There are many picturesque bays with rocky beaches and sandy beaches. In the lake, when the water goes on recession, periodically there are islands. A beautiful addition to the landscape is the botanical garden, where trees, cacti and shrubs grow.