India is one of the most interesting countries on Earth. There is a huge number of cultural monuments, which are definitely worth a look. For many years now, this country has inspired creative people to create stunning works of art.

India can be safely called the most New Year's country, because this holiday is celebrated here more than four times a year.

In India, there are excellent beaches, where you can not only lie on the sand, but also do diving or snorkeling. In a word, it will not be boring here. That's why many tourists come here every year for the winter holidays. By the way, India can be called the most New Year's country, because this holiday is celebrated more than four times a year. The fact is that among the local residents there are Hindus, and Muslims, and Christians, and Buddhists. And all have their New Year celebrations.

Flights to India for the New Year are better to purchase in advance: so you will save a decent amount of money . Although you can find more favorable offers for the holiday, for example . For example, the flight Moscow - Delhi - Moscow with two transfers will cost you at the price of a smartphone . Such a flight from Sheremetyevo is currently offered by Air Astana . A little more expensive will be a trip with one transfer - in Tashkent . On a direct flight by the airline "Aeroflot" you will have to spend a third more, but in six hours you will be in India . There will most likely not be a deficit of air tickets to India for the New Year: more than 15 carriers offer their services to passengers . However, tickets to other cities are more expensive, and offers are much less . For example, this applies to cities such as Kochi and Chennai .

In India, there is something to do not only for the New Year, but also for the remaining 364 days, in addition, you can save a lot on air tickets in the "off-season." All the details and the most tempting offers - on the page Flights to India.