How to get from Varka to Arambol by public transport?

Answer information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
Perhaps the main reference point for making such a trip from South Goa to the North by public transport will be Dabolim International Airport - it is located approximately in the middle between the beaches of Varka and Arambol.

The village of Varka is located about 30 km south of the airport, with no direct bus route to it: by bus or train you can reach the railway station in Margao, 7 km north of Varka. Every half hour to the railway station from the airport follows the bus, the journey time is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, the ticket price is 20 RS (Indian rupees), which translates into rubles for about 12 RUB. It is easy to get to Margao from Varka by taxi, it will take no more than 10 minutes and it will cost 160 RS (somewhere 100 RUB)

From Dabolim International Airport to Arambola about a couple of hours by bus or hour by car. The difference is not so much in the speed of movement, as in the number of transfers by public transport: first you need to go from the bus station Vasco da Gama Dabolim to the capital of Goa - Panaji. On the express train it will take about half an hour. From Panaji, you can take a direct bus to Arambol, but the bus runs very rarely - it's more real to get to Mapusa first, and from there you can take a taxi (20 km, about 20 minutes, 420 RS, about 240 RUB)

However, a taxi ride on our money is not so much, than to understand the rather confusing public transportation system of Goa. The taxi driver will cover a distance of about 70 km in a little over an hour and will charge you about 1000 RUB (about 1700 RS).

Scooter is a rather economical option, you can find a rental for 5 - 7 USD per day and go round all Goa from the South to the North. Rent of motorcycles will cost 10 USD. And for renting a car you will need to pay from 30 USD per day

November 11, 2014

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