The citadel in Budva

Budva, Old Town

Attractions of Budva Budva's medieval fortress of St. Mary, or citadel, is one of the iconic sights, without which it is impossible to imagine the appearance of this resort Montenegrin town. It is the organizing center of the Old Town, the pride and the visiting card of Budva.

Archaeological Museum of Budva

Budva, Stari Grad, Petra I Petrovica, 11

Attractions of Budva It's amazing that in Budva - the oldest Montenegrin city with a centuries-old history, until the middle of the 20th century. there was no own archaeological museum. The idea to found such a museum appeared only in 1962, the same year the museum was established.

Budva Library

Budva, Ul.Mediteranska / zgrada Zeta Filma

Attractions of Budva Everyone who crosses the threshold of the Buddhist library, there is a cultural shock, so unusual and impressive is the book kingdom from the inside. Like other buildings of the Old City, it perfectly conveys the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Monastery of Podmain

Budva, Mainski put, 66, Podmaine

Attractions of Budva The centuries-old history of the monastery Podmaine, or, as it is also called, Podstrog, is filled with heroic episodes, sad events, and unexpected turns of fate. Monastic buildings repeatedly became a kind of apple of discord, were attacked and plundered.

Old Budva

Budva Old Town

Attractions of Budva The old Budva is one of those places where all tourists, without exception, rush, having just stepped onto the Budva lands, and where they return, if possible, more than once or twice. Accumulation of the best examples of Venetian architecture, ancient churches and temples.

Church of Santa Maria in Punta

Budva, Old Town

Attractions of Budva In the Middle Ages in the places where the Budva Riviera is today, the cult of the Virgin was very popular, it is not surprising that in modern Budva several holy places connected with the name of the Virgin Mary appeared at once. In the south-eastern part of Old Budva is a complex of six churches.

From year to year, the inhabitants of Budva never tire of repeating that in the summer in a city for one local there are 20 Russian tourists .Confirm the correctness of these calculations is unlikely to work, but the fact that at the height of the season Budva streets are filled with our compatriots - a reliable fact .What attracts travelers this small Montenegrin town? Along with the natural beauties, the sea, sprinting on the shore with gentle lambs, and the most modern port, the Budva Riviera attracts tourists with interesting historical and architectural attractions .

It can not be said that here every stone keeps traces of turbulent history, and in museums one can hang days without stopping. This city is rather a resort town, there are not so many places of tourist attention, but the available ones are undoubtedly worth considering.

Along with the natural beauties, the sea, sprinkling on the shore with gentle lambs, and the most modern port, the Budva Riviera attracts tourists with interesting historical and architectural sights.

Architectural sights of Budva

From an architectural point of view, the Old Town of Budva is of interest. Pampered in greenery and petunias, charming streets with ancient Venetian buildings are surrounded by powerful fortress walls of the 15th century.

If you plan to walk around the Old City in the early morning, when he has not yet woken up, you can really feel the spirit of Budva.

By the way, in the Old City there is also a visiting card, the real favorite of tourist attention - the ancient fortress of the citadel, thousands of romantics in search of charming marine species are looking at the observation deck.

Connoisseurs of church architecture will be able to satisfy their curiosity by visiting local cathedrals: there are as many as four churches in Budva that can not be missed. The Church of St. John is famous for its rich archives, library, where many rarities are kept, and a magnificent bell tower. The Church of the Holy Trinity is an Orthodox church, executed in Byzantine style. In addition, in Budva there is a beautiful church of St. Sava of the 12th century and the church of Santa Maria in Punta.

Museums of Budva

Tourists, for whom visiting museums - an indispensable point of the cultural program to get acquainted with new places, will be able to look into the archaeological museum, the gallery of modern art and the library of Budva. The archaeological museum will offer visitors a lot of amazing ancient finds, among which the Illyrian bronze helmet of the 5th century BC is especially valuable. e. and a stone plate with the image of two fishes.

The Budva Art Gallery acquaints viewers with the art of Montenegro and the former Yugoslavia, more than 200 paintings, drawings, watercolors, engravings and sculptures are stored here, besides works of contemporary expressionists are exhibited here.

The library in Budva is a whole complex that combines a museum, a gallery and a library. An indelible impression on the visitors is made by the library hall with tall bookcases and maroon leather armchairs flaunting in its center.

The nearest neighborhood of Budva

Slightly widening the horizons of excursions, you can see many more interesting. For example, only 2 km from Budva is the Monastery Podostrog - the former residence of Montenegrin rulers, the monastery includes two churches of the Assumption of the Virgin, one built in the 12th century, the second was built in the 18th century. Near the village of Pobory you can find another monastery - Stanievichi, and in 3-5 km from the city there is a women's monastery Podlachestva, known for being the center of the national liberation movement in the region during the Middle Ages.

5 km east of Budva is the island of St. Stefan - the pride of all Montenegro. This resort was chosen by the rich and world celebrities, at one time rested here Sophia Loren, Claudia Schiffer, Sylvester Stallone.