How is it better to get from Mindoro Island to Cebu?

Responsible Veronica Birman
Transfer to Manila and flight to Cebu - this is the easiest way.
Responses the information department of the "Thinness of Tourism"
Philippine Islands is about 7 thousand, and with only 2 international airports. One of them is located on the island of Luzon in the capital of the Philippines - Manila, the second - on the island of Cebu. However, their popularity is still different, so more flights fly to the capital and there is a greater probability of finding tickets cheaper than to Cebu.

At the same time, it is very easy to get to Mindoro from Manila: from Puerto Galera, the center of the island's tourist life, the ferry to Batangas, the southern port of Luzon (journey time about 1, 5 hours), and from there to the capital about 2 hours by bus.

To Cebu fly planes from Manila (flight time - 1, 5 hours).

December 3, 2014

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