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Philippines is famous not only for its paradise beaches, but also for its amazing historical sights. One of them is the Miagao church. Its full name is the Church of St. Thomas from Villanueva. It is located in the homonymous town of Miagao, which in turn is located on the island of Panay. The Miagao church is considered one of the oldest in the Philippines. The temple was erected in the late 18th century, and despite the "lived" centuries, the monastery is well preserved to the present day.

The attention of all tourists, without exception, is traditionally chained by the temple facade. It is adorned with a huge bas-relief, most of which, by the way, is occupied not by images of saints, but by real coconut palms.

Perhaps, she became a long-living woman due to her unusual architecture. The fact is that the Miagao church, in addition to traditional halls for worship, has two well-fortified watchtowers, and its foundation and strong walls go to the ground for more than 6 m. According to historians, the church was built like a church and a fortress in one person, in order to survive the persecution of believers and the siege of the tribal invaders.

Miagao Church in the Philippines

The architecture of the Miagao church clearly traces the rococo style traditions .The attention of all tourists without exception is traditionally riveted by the facade of the church .It is adorned with a huge bas-relief, most of which, incidentally, are not images of saints, but the most that neither is the real coconut palms .Most likely, this is due to the long tradition of Filipinos who always revered coconut trees .Next to the palm trees on the facade of the Miagao church, you can also see the figure of a man on whose shoulder a small boy sits .Scientists believe that it embodies the image of St. Christopher, who, according to legend, helped the little Christ cross the river, putting him on his shoulders .

In front of the entrance to the church of Miagao, there is also a monument in honor of the patron of the temple - St. Thomas from Villanueva. By the way, this temple of the Philippines is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition to it, there are three more Filipino monasteries - the Church of St. Augustine, the Paoya Temple and the Church of Santa Maria.

The Miagao church can be reached on foot, as the temple is located just over one km from the city center.

To do this, follow the streets of Nobleza and Osmena. Of the significant institutions of the city, which can be oriented, it is worth noting the National Bank of the Philippines. It is located next to the temple, on the next street.